co2 bubblers how to rate


old grower new setup setting up small tent (32 cu*). in a hallway (800 cu*)
have co2 bubbler setup but cant find any info on how to calculate flow rates.
bubbles per min x hrs on..

Gary Goodson

Well-Known Member
Me personally, I wouldn't waste my time with that. It's not worth it at all. Just keep fresh air flowing all day and night and you'll fine. I suggest learning to keep the plant as healthy as possible. If you really want to add co2, buy a generator or a tank and regulator.


thanks ..but have tank and regulator..its just a different way of controlling output..(really fine adjustments)
to get .04 cu* per hr (works out to 1 liter) il just bubble off into a water bath and adjust that way.
i think i got it figured out..

Gary Goodson

Well-Known Member
thanks ..but have tank and regulator..its just a different way of controlling output..(really fine adjustments)
to get .04 cu* per hr (works out to 1 liter) il just bubble off into a water bath and adjust that way.
i think i got it figured out..
Ahh I thought you were messing around with yeast, water, and sugar. That's what is was talking about being a waste of time.