CMH information?


Active Member
I dont wanna make a post about something that has been talked about like hps vs cfl. So... i searched and searched and cant find anything really about cmh. i just want to have a basic understanding of the ceramic MH bulbs. I have read that u cant use them on a digital balast, they are great for veg, and not too good for flowering. i am buying good lights soon and im thinking 250W hps but i dont know about the cmh's thanks in advance for the help.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, i have heard almost the same thing. One weird ting is that it runs on a HPS mettalic coli ballast. It will not run on a digital ballast. It has to do with the why it ignights the bulb. the CMH needs a hrd strike like an HPS. I have heard that the only people who love them are the same people selling them. And I have never seen anything that was 100% cmh results. Also the number lumens is about 37000 (i think) which is over 10000 lower then even a 400w "Super"HPS. It also only comes in 400w which isnt a bad thing to me but is to alot of people. One other thing is that the technology has apparently been out for over 10 years, and you would think that they would be the normand much more expensive if they were unbelievable. I would love to find out what an expert thinks about the whole thing because if it was absolutly possitive that they were better. i would switch in a heart beat. hopefully there is somone outthere who has used to for a full cycle. ---


Active Member
that is about all i have learned after googling it. i think im going to go with a sunmaster bulb + 6500k cfl's for veg and a 250w hps+ 4000k cfl's for flowering. Does that sound like a good set up for a continuously flowering 5 plants each month??? and also ive been reading about "uvb" increases resin production, does that mean that i can stick 2 black lights in during flowering to increase resin? please help im getting confused as hell about lighting.


Well-Known Member
I have heard the SAME thing. what is the deal with uvb. As far as the CMH during flowering. I talked to someone who said that alot of blue light is really bad due flowering because it blocks the production of a cetain chemical in the plant that is neccesary during flowering. The bulbs were made to make things look different to the human eye not to grow plants! i dont think that it can be any better then switching between MH and HPS for dif growth cycles. But i want to know what uvb is because if i can up the resin probuction by changing somthing i would love to know
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Active Member
ummm lol since we are talking to each other i just read about all the uvb it is supposed to help alot if you can afford to buy the right bulbs (reptile lights) it sounds like it would be worth a try, i couldnt hurt anything unless u have heat issues


Well-Known Member
I use 400w CMH for veg only, it works great. I only have a 400w hps econogro mini. So its nice to to have one light and just change the bulbs. (for a mh to hps effect)

I cant say anything bad about CMH it really works out for me. I was nervous about it at first but now I am sold.


Active Member
did u mean its nice to have one ballast and just change the bulbs? i think im gonna go talk to someone at my local hydro store and see what they say i should grow tomatoes with (veg) and flower with hps lol thanks for the bit on cmh though