Clueless on whats causing my OG101 to spot really bad....not ph, not thrips, not PM??


Well-Known Member
I found my OG101 today had yellow spots all over the sugar leafs and some of the smaller fans today that weren't there yesterday...

I did some google searches to find out what this could be but ended up with nothing...

I checked the soil ph with my soil probe and the ph is sitting nicely at 6.7PH

I daily check the plants for insects and not yet have seen any thrips...even checking my yellow sticky cards....fungus gnats yes...but nothing else...

My ppm's of my feedings are generally in the 500 to 600ppm range...all organic...

What could this be??? disease? genetics? stress? Nutrients?

I pulled off a leaf to examine it closely...looks like a pigmentation issue, because it can not be scratched off the leaf with the fingernail and does not contain any black dots (thrip poop)

None of my other plants are effected or showing this...only my OG101

The only changes I did to my usual nutrient watering was the addition of Advanced Nutrients Organic B, as well as I used a different brand of distilled water...any clue why this would be happening????

Help someone..????!!!!



Well-Known Member
fungus gnats are not good. at first I thought mites but I don't see webs do you look under the leaves.
I have the fungus gnats under control except for every once and a while I will find one...but the soil is treated with BTi and also have yellow stickys everywhere....


New Member
The larvae are what messes up you roots cut a potato up into 1 inch squares and put a couple on top of the soil in a couple days the larvae will be under the potato. your looking for little worms.


New Member
if you got fungas gnats put some cinamin into a salt container and sprinkle it all over your soil really good and there done


Well-Known Member
The issue isn't fungus gnats...they can't breed or feed...the soil is already treated for fungus gnats...with BTi...the problem isn't fungus gnats with the leaves... any other suggestions..?
Interesting. I'm on day 50 of flower of OG 101 and have a few spots, not that many. I'm using all organic amendments and base my feedings off worm tea. It's been awhile since this was posted, did you find a solution?





Well-Known Member
That's weird spotting.. were you folliar feeding at that time? I can see it's hot in there...


Well-Known Member
id say its just that time for the plant to start dying. or theres an inbalance of nutes in the soil. or lockout of one specific nute (magnesium?). But dont worry, just finish em they dont look far off. I have a plant that does that same thing starts at week 4 through the end of 7-8. Still super dank