Clueless on growing...... Help


Active Member
Hi there, im new 2 this, and pretty new to growing weed.... I was bored 1 day and decided to germinate some seeds that i have had 4 bout a year ...
I planted them in pots, and put them out on my roof .....which is a walk out from my bedroom.. i didnt think that they would even sprout but i checked on them and noticed that they had sprouted and grown to about 2 inches or so......... I was wondering will they continue to grow if i just leave them and let mother nature do the work 4 me... all i do is water them every 3 days or so....



New Member
yes you can leave them, and mother nature will do the work. But their are some things that I would do.

The roof could get pretty hot, which will be bad for the roots. Is there another place you could put the plant outside. I would transplant to a 5 gallon bucket, and put the plant in the woods.

Make sure you paint the bucket to match wherever you decide to put it, and have drainage hole's atleast an eigth of an inch thick.


Active Member
yea and cop helicopters would see them there.... the pilots are trained to find them and alot of them could spot a small plant , from very far far away. i hope you come back and read this, it has been like 3 yrs now

smoke and coke

Well-Known Member
yea and cop helicopters would see them there.... the pilots are trained to find them and alot of them could spot a small plant , from very far far away. i hope you come back and read this, it has been like 3 yrs now
lol too funny. a 3 year old post and the thread starter only has 6 posts and last activity was 2007.


Active Member
Well continuously buying weed is difficult because it goes through alot of money in a short time if you smoke lotz like I do. Im the type of guy thats always wants another bong hit. So i go through weed alot faster than the usual Joe. Anyways, I need to learn the basics on growing, preferably outdoor growing, exactly what to use, how much, and a schedule would be nice. I need the best yet simplest way possible. Wuld greatly appreciate. Thank you