Closet grow ventilation.


Well-Known Member
I am considering a closet grow. I was going to purchase a sunlight shed or a supercloset system, but after reading post here I see where they have some issues. I am not going to spend 1500 bucks to have issues. I figure I can convert my spare bedroom closet to a grow room. 2.5 x 5 x 7.5. As far as ventilation I need some help. I would like a passive intake at the closet door. In the ceiling i will mount a exhaust fan that vents into the attic through a carbon scrubber. I am mainly concern with sound and smell because these are the enemys of what I consider a stealthy grow. What is the absolute quietest ventilation method for a grow like this?


Well-Known Member
you know the fan in your bathroom that vents air? thats about as quiet as you are going to get. the more expensive ones are quieter