Closet grow room help


Ok so im trying to set-up my closet so i can grow in it. The dimensions are about 6' by 5' and 10' high ceilings. I have a 600watt mh and hps light system already with the yoyos, a 6'' 240cfm fan for the light tube. A Hygrometer. A ph kit. GH nutes and fox farm organic soil. Im thinking i can maybe get about 9 plants? The bad thing is idk how im going to vent it unless i vent through the floor. But can i only exhaust without having an intake system? Any tips or constructive criticism would be greatly appreciated. Thanks


Well-Known Member
yes you can exhaust without a intake and 9 plants will be fine. think 1 plant per square foot, and 50 watts per square foot as minimums. you have plenty of light for 9 plants. i put 8 under a 400 watt. with that 600 your deff gonna need to vent it somewhere so even if through the floor do what you gotta do


Alright thanks. That would also keep the temps down too right? Ill also have 2-3 fans running. And how would i keep down on smell? Im renting the place so i cant exactly having it reeking like pot. Im a legal patient here in Michigan but they would still be dicks about it.


Well-Known Member
you need a carbon filter and fan. not a booster fan. them booster fans are trash heat rises so i say vent through the roof.


Right, but i would attach duct to the other end of the tube then exhaust that outside so im not just circulating hot air around. Also,what typeof fan should i get for the tube? I did a little test run with the fan on the tube and it seemed to move a lot of air, but if theres a better one im open for suggestions


And i can really vent through the roof because i rent and i can cut holes in the roof. I probably shouldnt through the floor either but itll be less of pain to do and repair


carbon filter inline fan duct hole in floor out goes the heat and no smell, make sure you have it hung up from high cos of heat then like said vent it down through floor you r in usa i dont know what makes r but in uk rvk ruck and so on .


Well-Known Member
And i can really vent through the roof because i rent and i can cut holes in the roof. I probably shouldnt through the floor either but itll be less of pain to do and repair
i dont know what your roof is made out of but mine is drywall.. very easy to cut with a hole saw and very eash to patch if needed.


Well-Known Member
Its probably drywall, its a trailer. I might just exhaust out of the roof and intake from the ground.
a trailer, the floor would be better... it vents outside. and intake the cold air inside the room. if there isnt any you need a ac..


I exhaust under the house and make it go straight out through the skirting, then intake from the space thats under that house. Its always at least 10-15 degrees lower than the temp outside


Well-Known Member
I exhaust under the house and make it go straight out through the skirting, then intake from the space thats under that house. Its always at least 10-15 degrees lower than the temp outside
idk what the weathers been there, but its in the 90's here and hot as fuck