closet grow or basement grow :S - I need help with a (setup?) :S


this is my first time growing... i have a closet that i can grow in or i can grow in my basement which is big. i just need to know all the materials i will need, like what lights should i use, soil and nutrients, etc...

i wanna make a grow journal for this aswell.


Well-Known Member
Holy crap!
Read the stickies and FAQs. Buy a book. Do some drawings. READ SOME GROW JOURNALS FIRST. How can you seriously expect someone to just hand you a list of what you need.

You need:
lights-good ones and a lot of them
Shelves-the kind you put things on that sit on the floor
Air-make sure its circulated
Heat-the kind that warms but doenst get too hot
Growing Medium-soil or soilless
Plants-the kind that make marijuana
Time-lots of it, more than you know what to do with
water-not too wet or your plants will catch cold
nutes-for the plants
Space-enough room to put the shelf in, and not in your parents house
Wood-for things
A broom-to clean with
fans-for the air that you got earlier
twine-to tie stuff down or up
nails-this is great to hold wood together


Well-Known Member
based on you question id say closet, the reason im saying this is because if u dont know if u want to grow in a closet or a basement u might as well be deciding if u want to grow pot or tomatoes. a basement isnt exactly the same scale as a closet, the comittment needed for a basement grow is alot bigger then a small closet grow. Also fucking up on an entire basement is like getting kicked in the face by an elephant so learn a few things in a closet before u take it to the next step, know what i mean?


Well-Known Member
Holy crap!
Read the stickies and FAQs. Buy a book. Do some drawings. READ SOME GROW JOURNALS FIRST. How can you seriously expect someone to just hand you a list of what you need.

You need:
lights-good ones and a lot of them
Shelves-the kind you put things on that sit on the floor
Air-make sure its circulated
Heat-the kind that warms but doenst get too hot
Growing Medium-soil or soilless
Plants-the kind that make marijuana
Time-lots of it, more than you know what to do with
water-not too wet or your plants will catch cold
nutes-for the plants
Space-enough room to put the shelf in, and not in your parents house
Wood-for things
A broom-to clean with
fans-for the air that you got earlier
twine-to tie stuff down or up
nails-this is great to hold wood together
If you get mad about him asking then why did you tell him? Lol. No dickiness intended. But if you don't want to spend tons of money use the closet and get cfl's( I would recommend this for first timers) but if you want to go big then buy a 1000w hps and use the basement. (a bit more advanced)

Pipe Dream

Well-Known Member
^ yeah exactly one thing about closets is they can get really hot and it can be hard to get good air circulation.

Why don't you just start in the closet and use that as as veg room and have a flower room in the basement?