Closet grow-op... DIY T5 system


So I am new to this hobby. Lets make it quick. This is what i got. I have a T5 lighting system which consists of six 4-foot T5 bulbs. I used to have a huge saltwater aquarium so this is why i have the lights. The lights are 3 actinic (light blue colour) and 3 are 10000k. Each bulb is 54W totalling 324W. I do not want to spend money. I have seeds germinating right now. These are my questions:
- How close should my lights be
- lighting cycle?
- How should i create the set-up?
- Do i need a fan?
- Should i use alluminium foil for reflective purposes?
Any other information would be greatly appreciated. Please help and thanks in advance.


lights should be as close as possible without burning the plant. 18 hrs. on 6 off for veg. is standard. 12 and 12 for flowering. fans are ideal for circulation, if you don't have one heat becomes more of an issue. aluminium foil no. flat white paint yes. aluminium foil conducts heat from the light resulting in rising temps. give your plants as much room as possible. the more light the better. i've never grown but i will soon. i hope i helped in some way.


Well-Known Member
the lights should be as close as you can get them without making it too hot for the plants. You need an 18/6 light cycle for veg and 12/12 for flower. you do need a fan, air circulation is important. no foil, it can create hot spots and burn your plants. use flat white paint, mylar, or panda film. keep you ph in the range of 6.3 - 6.8 for soil. temps between 60-80 f. humidy under 50. dont use miracle grow. fox farm soil is good is you can aquire it. find some good nutes. and dont over love your plants. less is more. water them only once the soil has dried out. you need it to dry out so the roots can get oxygen. then once it has water it again. just make sure you have adequate drainage and you cant overwater. good luck