Closet grow Mid grades and Hawaiian Big Buds


Active Member
i finally figured out to start my journal i will have pictures posted tonight so please feel free to stop by and let me know what u think i have 5 4ft fixtures that have 40w cool white florescent bulbs along with 5 cfl's, 2 are 100w and 3 are 200w. i am not using any nutes what so ever all my pots filled with half organic soil and half peat moss which the peat moss has worked very well but like i said i will have some pics up later


Well-Known Member
Yea you need to get some pictures uploaded asap, I'm dying to see them. If you want to post full size pics like my journal use photobucket, it's really easy. I'll be watching untill these ladies are done...


Active Member
alright lets see if i got this signature thing worked oh and im gonna take some pictures on my phone for now just so u can at least see how big everything is i mean it won't be detailed but it'll have to do for now


Well-Known Member
alright lets see if i got this signature thing worked oh and im gonna take some pictures on my phone for now just so u can at least see how big everything is i mean it won't be detailed but it'll have to do for now
right on...signature is working.


Active Member
alright i just got all the pics i just took on my album on photobucket now how do i put them onto a post? and let me warn u they are not great cause it was done with my phone but i will try to have some detailed ones up later tonight


Well-Known Member
alright i just got all the pics i just took on my album on photobucket now how do i put them onto a post? and let me warn u they are not great cause it was done with my phone but i will try to have some detailed ones up later tonight
when you're looking at your album on photobucket, there's 4 different links under each picture, use the one on the bottom that says: IMG Code - Forums & Bulletin Board, all you have to do is click on it and it copies it, then you use the "insert image" button when your posting a thread and insert it there. Be sure to delete the


Active Member
well like i said i have some pics on my album on photobucket but i have no idea how to post all of them on one post so if u wanna tell me how when u get back on winnn420 or anyone else then i'll get them posted so just let me know


Well-Known Member
after you load the 1st pic onto the message you should see the full size pic there before you post the thread. You need to move the cursor down to bottom of the pic and hit enter to drop it down a line or two and then you can click the upload image again and add another pic.


Active Member
1st pic- mid grade 24"
2nd pic- mid grade "topped" 20"
3rd pic- mid grade 11.5"
4th pic- mid grade 12"
5th pic- mid grade 13"
6th pic- Hawaiian big bud 8"
7th pic- Hawaiian big bud 3.5"
8th pic- Set up in closet( not as nice as winnn420's lol...)
Let me say first that all of the mid grades are different. the first two are 4 months old and they both almost completely died but luckily they recovered quite nicely. the other three are all the same age about 6 weeks. now the biggest big bud is almost 4 weeks old but in the last week it has grown tremendously, and the small one is 1 week old. but i should have some better pictures up tonight hopefully so check it out!



Well-Known Member
Right on bro, they look great. The mid grade looks like an indica??? lol, yea it took me forever to figure out how to upload pics using photobucket but once you know how it's very easy. Shouldn't you have some perlite in that soil or do you not need it in the peat moss/organic soil mix?? Keep up the good work!!


Active Member
well actually i have some perlite but i'm not gonna use it unless it really needs it i'm tellin ya that peat moss has done wonders for my plants but anyways i have one clone from each of the two biggest plants one is here and my buddy has the other one the one my buddy has is bigger than my big bud but we cloned it awhile back but anyways im tellin my buddy to go ahead and switch it to 12/12 but he wont do it but i need to bud these plants cause they are already gonna be tall as fuck and i don't need them to be huge ya know but he still wont listen to me but as soon as this clone grows a little i'm gonna flower it to see if its female but i think both plants are females cause there are trichs sticking out of both plants already so i kinda wanna just bud them but we'll see what happens but thanks for everything and keep stoppin by alright later bro


Well-Known Member
yea dude those are are gonna be fkn monsters. your buddy doesn't know what he's in for I take it?

So does that mid grade look like an indica to you?


Active Member
yeah it does to me but i think i have one sativa mid grade which is one of the smaller ones but i know for sure the big buds are indica


Active Member
well i had to clip two more leaves off of my hawaiian big bud they are getting burnt and i think i know what the problem is i believe my mix of peat moss and soil is off balance cause it should be half and half and i think i might have put a little too much peat moss in there so today im gonna go get some more soil and im gonna go ahead and transplant it into a 8 inch pot and hopefully that will fix the problem but im not too worried about it because all of the inner growth is perfect and is growing out extremely fast so i believe everything will be fine