Closet Grow: Hydroponics, Ventilation & Co2

Hey Im looking to make a 2.5x3x7 grow cabinet similar to a superbox (
This cabinet will have a single or dual fan cool tube, probably a 1-200w carbon filter exhaust and a 600w digital balast hps light.

What would be the best possible hydroponics setup/system for maximum yield and quality while remaining in a 2.5x3 foot area?

So far im leaning towards a dwc system but dont know if individual buckets or a single reservoir would be better?
Also I am thinking about putting in a co2 system like in the "supercloset", is this a good idea in a small space, and if it is or not would putting in an intake fan be a good idea?
Also considering getting a reverse osmosis filter if i can fit one, and price is no issue here.

Please answer my questions, comment and make suggestions!
Any better ideas for a 4-5 plant closet would be great!