Closet CFL 140w Grow


hey, x-13 here, i managed to get some snaps of my small setup on the first day of flowering, today that is

I'm using seed sent to me by a guy from the nearest capital city (i was told was good weed) grown in 10cm pots with some slow release fertilizer and cheap0 potting mix with some seasol

they're grown in a white plastic box with the lights over the sides, i herd the plants like white better than reflective surfaces from someone who used to grow, anyway, it's what i had available

3X 42w, two warm, one cool + one 14 watt cool white bulb

i just got the bulbs and some lamps from the hardware store relatively cheaply and set it up

I left them in bags with water for a couple days and a few of them had dried out and dying main leaves so i removed them prior to the photo

they've been topped too, so what you see in the photo is all post-topping growth, and as i am aiming for rather small plants, i flowered them today due to space limitations keeping in mind the 'double height' for flowering, even though i herd some grow up to 3 times their size or whatever

I made my own reflector out of some foil and card, it does help a little, enjoy

here are some photos:


one is rather small, and i am yet to find out which are female, so, wish me luck guys


Active Member
Hahaha awesome . :) I also was lazy with the electronics on my grow and could`nt source those clamp reflectors locally and postal services suck so had too do the same thing just use those desk lamps . Mine are few weeks into flowering and is pure sativa unfortunately but similar wattage setup around 130 watts now mixed spectrum though . Have you swtiched the light cycle to 12-12 yet ? Should start seeing hairs soon hopefully goodluck hope you get a nice female ratio . Subbed


Hah, they're overfertilised, so i have some leaf burn, i will take an update photo tomorrow for you, they're doing ok,

Have switched to 12/12 since the 19th bro, still waiting to see the sexes, i'm with you on the fem ratio

i gave them a rinse out with some water and the water was noticeably brown and they seemed to like it, they were soaked for a bit there and got most of the leaf burn from that. over-enthusiasm with seasol



Active Member
Yeh bro , try steer clear of those barky potting soil it`s normally what causes that yellow burn for me because that bark is very acidic . Very interesting grow i`m keen to see if a few smaller plants is better than just one big plant under cfl . If your plants new growth is slow and the leaves look kinda deformed you`ll know that they are roundbound and you`ll need to transplant them into bigger pots . If you new you can do it easier by filling a bigger pot with soil and cut the bottom off the pot the plant is in and nestle the dig a hole in the soil and put the other bottomless pot on it :) . Or just wait till soil is very dry and turn it upside down holding it and transplant it into a bigger pot , but they seem good . Haha cool big tune ^ Bounty Killer ftw .


updates from a few minutes ago, as i said they perked up after some normal water
i did use really cheap potting soil which tends to get very hard when it dries out.
they won't be repotted, as you see them is as they will finish

i know that cut the bottom out of a pot trick from a while back from guerrilla growing, good way to give them a headstart in unknown soil


enjoy, they're doing ok

also I'v been told i am doing a semi-butcher type micro grow, being semi-ghetto in construction but good enough for them to grow


Active Member
Cool they seem to be coming on fine I`m thinking about using alot of small pots for my next grow so this is good to see . I wonder if they`ll flower fine those small pots and produce a decent amount of pot , I used to plant in small plants near the end of the outdoor season and end up with a few little plant`s to add to the harvest but never in such smalls ones are those 10 cm pots ? . Shot for update .


yeah they're certainly in micro pots, it would probably be better to use perlite and calculated nutrients in such small pots for sure, but we will see what happens

also i saw somewhere else on the site that you can also not count the first week of flower because you wont really see much, and i was considering that they might flower slower to begin with being so small


Active Member
Yup they should take between one and two weeks after the light has switched . I have a small plant the size of these that has been on 12-12 from seed still waiting for it to flower so you`re right could take a while for the plants to be big enough to actually flower even if 12-12 period has been established .


19th day or so and no sign of flowers, i transplanted them yesterday or the day before into larger pots, they got an inch or so on either side and some on the bottom extra to keep them the same height

pics soon



Active Member
Sweet I`m rooting for them still and wanna see how they doing . Nice job on transplanting them they`ll show sex soon not much strains can go over 3 weeks of that cycle unless it`s some type of equatorial sativa (which they are not ) . Goodluck keep it up .


Hey just an update

two of the four that were left showed signs of males, one is dead, one will be observed a little longer

there appears to be no female parts showing yet on the others, or only small buds, we shall see soon

i have moved them into a 1.2mX1.2mX2m grow tent to be honest, so this is no longer a closet grow but i am using the same lights

i will have pics soon of my setup, i have a cooltube, tent, carbon filter and fan etc, im waiting on the rest of the stuff to come

peace out


i'm having trouble but i should be able to find a ballast that has appropriate sockets for my area, it's been a problem with a socket that has a round pin for an earth on it, which is unusual for around here.

got the cooltube and tent setup, filter and fan and ducting, ordered the hangers today, some cord to tie them, and some Superthrive. I will order the appropriate ballast next week, wish me luck, f*cking sockets

Superthrive is something interesting, people use it for rooting cuttings, transplanting, seelings, seeds, trees, the works

i will apply a drop or two each feeding i am thinking, bare with me this will turn into another thread sometime soon, say a month or two

also the one non male plant that is left is going ok, gave it some dyna-gro it seems to be ok, not too big though after this topping then only cutting back, i see it would have a greater effect on larger plants so i will employ it in future.

peace, good rant