Closet Aero/NFT grow, with LED lighting


Active Member
I've been reading and reading, and at this point, my mind is racing with how to get the highest quality medicine out of the sorely lacking space I have, using StinkBud's excellent Aero setup.

My grow space is going to start off in a 4' x 2' x 8' closet, so squeezing 3 NFT systems, a cloner, and a veg box, into this is going to be a challenge to say the least.

At this point, I think my best option is to divide the closet in half horizontally, with the bottom 3' section for the cloner, veg, and the associated hardware (UPS, CO2 tank, spare pump, etc), and the top 5' for the NFT racks.

The clone and veg portions are going to be straight Stinkbud, though if I can find containers that are longer and lower, I'd like to use those.

The trickiest part of all of this is going to be those NFT racks. To squeeze 3 into a 4' x 2' will require some substantial modifications;
1.) Use a double rack for 1st and 2nd rack
2.) Use a single rack for the 3rd rack.
3.) Reengineer the racks with the reservoirs contained entirely under the posts.
4.) Use longer/lower containers for the res, while trying to maintain sufficient usable volume so as to avoid heat, nute concentration issues, and just plain running out of water.
5.) Tweak the PVC support structure to accomodate the modified system.

The next issue is lighting. As this is a closet, there's no ventilation of any kind currently going, which means HPS and/or MH lights are going to cause major issues, as well as being finicky, expensive beasts.
I'd prefer to dodge the whole mess, and am going to go with LEDs instead. Minimal heat, minimal damage to the electric bill, and 5-7 years of reliable operation with no replacement needed? Yes please!

Next up is ventilation. Since I'm planning on running CO2, I can get away with ~85F before bad things happen, but there will still be a need for intake and exhaust, as well as some sort of filtration.

More in depth musings about all of this later.. it's late, I'm tired, and really high :bigjoint: