Closed Grow Room

The Count

Well-Known Member
Hello - I am starting up my first closed grow room and need to make sure I have everything covered. I have a 9x5 gorilla grow tent with 2 hydrogrow 336X-PRO LED lights that should each cover a 4x4 area. Now I know I will need a CO2 system to keep the ladies breathing but am not sure if that is it? I'm in Colorado and have central air with my tent being kept in my basement so I dont think I'll have any temperature issues... if any I'll need to warm up the room. Can any closed grow experts help me out with what else I'll need? I recently moved from NY to CO but did bang out 3 runs in my old house before we moved so I know the basics of growing now I just need to get down the details. I'll also have a 5x5 gorilla tent for some mothers... will I need a CO2 system for them as well? Thanks for the help in advance!
The Count


Well-Known Member
co2 usually requires warmer temps or at least ive read that the plants absorb more co2 with slighter warmer temps than you would normally aim for in a non-sealed room. it sounds like you have the bases covered. simple is better. just think of anything that is likely to or may come up and try and purchase reasonable safeguards ahead of time for em. like you said, youll have to warm the room but maybe buy a space heater ahead of time or something you know?

The Count

Well-Known Member
Bump... anyone got some input? I ordered the Titan atlas 1 and the regulator for my CO2 system...

The Count

Well-Known Member
Pretty sure I have what I need but just want to make sure. I read some people have fans attached to filters inside their grow but I wasnt sure if that was just to keep the smell down or if it served a purpose. I have a couple wall mount fans coming to circulate the CO2/air around the tent but more importantly I want to know about the mother room and if CO2 is necessary. My guess is no as it really just enhances the growth but I'm gonna be in no hurry to make clones(planning on keeping 4-6mothers and only flowering 10-14 ladies per round).