Cloning Troubles.


I dunno if I just suck or have the black fingers of my dad.(He kills any plant if he touches it lol)

Anyways I have 1 mother plant, grown from seed(White-Widow), I have taken 6 cuttings all about 5 inches in length. put them in rock-wool with a rooting gel and in a humidity dome. Temps are almost exactly what I have read throughout the forums. I do the misting and lifting the cover to allow air to circulate. They are under 2 42 watt fluorescent tubes, 1 warm white and one cool white, 24/0 timing.

I have followed the steps 100% however, I don't think the cuttings are rooted or rooting. They are still green after 5 days, however they are drooping badly, don't have a digi cam atm so can't post pics. They are drooping, green stems look flimsy but still green. Leafs haven't curled or turned yellow yet.

Am I just being impatient, I have tried to clone before a few years ago, and never successfully cloned, they all died in previous grows :(

Ian Singerdale

Well-Known Member
I dunno if I just suck or have the black fingers of my dad.(He kills any plant if he touches it lol)

Anyways I have 1 mother plant, grown from seed(White-Widow), I have taken 6 cuttings all about 5 inches in length. put them in rock-wool with a rooting gel and in a humidity dome. Temps are almost exactly what I have read throughout the forums. I do the misting and lifting the cover to allow air to circulate. They are under 2 42 watt fluorescent tubes, 1 warm white and one cool white, 24/0 timing.

I have followed the steps 100% however, I don't think the cuttings are rooted or rooting. They are still green after 5 days, however they are drooping badly, don't have a digi cam atm so can't post pics. They are drooping, green stems look flimsy but still green. Leafs haven't curled or turned yellow yet.

Am I just being impatient, I have tried to clone before a few years ago, and never successfully cloned, they all died in previous grows :(
keep misting and DONT TOUCH THEM

you will probably have to wait at least 10 days to see roots in that setup, and possibly up to two weeks. fastest I've seen roots has been 6 days and that was in my aeroponic cloner. I'd suggest making one yourself if this batch dies. but be patient


Well-Known Member
You're probably over watering. Most cuttings should be able to survive without misting. They do uptake water from that cut. I know some who get roots in 7 days but in my 78degree veg room the soonest for me is 12. With and without a dome. You can water by quickly dunking the bottom 1/4" of RW into some water.

At the most you should only mist 1 -2x a day. If you are getting water through your leaves why do you need to grow roots? Root growth slows if foiler feeding is excessive.

Before my roots show they "grab" you know what I mean. Once they grab I mix up a 400ppm solution to lightly water in. 200ppm water and 200ppm veg nutes.


Active Member
One thing to keep in mind also, it can take the upwards of 3 weeks for roots if your not lucky...and take it easy on the water.