Cloning question


Active Member
all my plants died incept for the runt. and this run is about 25 days old after sprout and is not big at all about an inch high. i started this plant from seed and i want to clone it since all my plants died how early can i clone a plant? and i need to find out the sex of the plant also what should i do?


Well-Known Member
all my plants died incept for the runt. and this run is about 25 days old after sprout and is not big at all about an inch high. i started this plant from seed and i want to clone it since all my plants died how early can i clone a plant? and i need to find out the sex of the plant also what should i do?
You need to wait until you have shoots that are at least 3 inches in length. Let this one grow for a few months and you'll get several viable clones, otherwise start over like smalltown said.


Well-Known Member
You need to learn how not to kill the plants first, to get clones off this one you are going to have to grow it out big enough to get 3 inch cuttings off of its stems. That means your plant is going to need to be perhaps 6-12 inches tall before you can make a few clones.


Well-Known Member
yacause if it's only a few inches tall and a month old your probably better off starting a new batch cause its short it will take a long ass time to grow and through the stress it's been through by the time it gets big enough it will probably be a male and that would just severly piss you off and ad insult to injury so i would start a new back does anyone els agree


Well-Known Member
Yeah let it grow see if it's a female then you can clone it, but you got a ways to go, and they are right you need to learn what's going wrong first because you can sure as shit kill a clone very easily too. Good luck to you! And stop calling it a runt it doesn't like it LOL