cloning problems

I cant seem to get this cloning thing . i cut with a razorknife at 45 angle trim lower leaves dip in rooting solution stick into rockwool keep under florescents 24 on, cover with a clear dome and mist plants every day but every single time the part that is in the rockwool get mushy and rots . what am i doing wrong? cloning gel is rootech

Hash Lover

Well-Known Member
What is the temp that the clones are in? That can make a difference, if it's to hot or to cold. From what you are saying I would guess it might be to hot. Any pics of your setup? I don't use any cloning gel or powder but instead make up a mix of stuff I have anyway. Do you have a selection of nutes and such? Do you know what the humidity is under the dome? You can get a cheap dial type at a pet store that is small enough to fit. It would be very helpful, Spraying them to much is not good also. It can keep the humidity to high and slow root growth. I get up to 100% success with one strain I have and about 75% with another. Different strains will do better than others too.


Active Member
Stop misting the plants. That's what the dome is for. You're not letting the rockwool dry out or maybe your cuts aren't hardened off.


Junior Creatologist
Its the heat. It took me about 100 clones to get it right finally. I ended up just taking my cloner out of the hot ass tent it was in, and let it breathe, and i had 35 clones with 100% success. But thats with my Aerocloners. With RW its just as easy, but yeh, dont over-saturate, and make sure that temps arent too high. Keep trying man, it sounds like your doing everything right. One day you'll get it right, n smack yourself in the forehead for not figuring it out sooner, lol.

Good luck man!

Its the heat. It took me about 100 clones to get it right finally. I ended up just taking my cloner out of the hot ass tent it was in, and let it breathe, and i had 35 clones with 100% success. But thats with my Aerocloners. With RW its just as easy, but yeh, dont over-saturate, and make sure that temps arent too high. Keep trying man, it sounds like your doing everything right. One day you'll get it right, n smack yourself in the forehead for not figuring it out sooner, lol.

Good luck man!

temps under the dome might be too high hmm never thought of that.