Cloning problem, What am I doing wrong? help ,

Hey everyone, so I cut these clones two nights ago, I dipped them in cloning gel and put them in the rock wool that has been dipped in water, under their trey I put some heated mats. so, after the first day, I let them dry out completely in a 32 degree 99% humidity environment, I felt that was really effin hot especially the fact that I'm also using heated treys, Oh yea I forgot they have domes too and I try to spray the domes, so... Here Are pictures,

I'm super confused as to what I've done wrong, other then the heat I've taken them to an area thats 28 degrees with their heated mat, 60% humidity 20130602_193642.jpg20130602_193651.jpg20130602_193704.jpg20130602_193722.jpg


Active Member
Try soaking the rockwool in a mix of water and clonex for a few hours-- rockwool is known for these issues...
also- put a tea towel or washcloth between the heat-mat and the tray--

is there liquid IN the tray? There should be just enough to fill the little channels...
if there is condensation on the dome- you are doing good...

If you are having too much trouble- try switching to peat pellets and use bottled spring-water from the grocers....

also- if the donor isn't really healthy when you clone-- or was just fed, often the clones do not do as well...
try not taking clones until the day you feed the "mom" but do it before you feed her...
during the week before this- mist her every day with plain water... this seems to really help the clones take.
good Luck!
* Note- they look like they are embolizing--- getting air in the stem...
the stems are too small around for the holes in the rockwool-- or maybe you are not putting the cuttings directly into a container of water as you cut them???
If you must, push some extra rockwool into the holes to make it tight.. the stems MUST have contact with the rockwool to clone... a

Bilbo Baggins

Well-Known Member
A little hot perhaps, I suggest temps around 80 degrees, and, am I reading correctly ?, you only cut the clones 2 nights ago ?? clones take 2 weeks to root, sometimes even a little longer.
They were "upstairs" in an environment that was 24-28C regularly -- so that, plus the heated trays perhaps was too much for them.

However, as soon as they wilted, I misted them, and moved thme somewhere cooler and off the heated trays

yet they are still wilting and dying...

is there anyway to save them or is that it?

also one of my domes is kind of "rugged" and has a lot of air holes ... if that makes a difference?

I only took them down the night of the may 30th...


Active Member
Sorry to say my friend but i think u slow cooked them. From looking at the pics i would say ur problems center around heat and humidity. Good Luck:bigjoint:
what should I do with the other ones? I have another tray that is thriving for some reason, I didn't do anything differently for the other one...

how should I maintain it? so far I've been spraying it every couple of hours because for some reason the dome does not remain humid for long, does that mean the plants are thirsty? how do I know what enough water is for the rockwool?

for clones I heard never water them -- just spray?

you can see the other surviving tray in the pics above


Well-Known Member
Am I seeing correctly? Was your maximum temperature 39 degrees Celsius and your minimum relative humidity 16 percent?

Firstly you need to block up any holes in your dome, if you can't then cover it with a plastic bag to prevent moisture loss.

Secondly you need to regulate your temperature to be within 26-27 degrees Celsius, this can be done by getting a central heating thermostat and wiring it in series with the heat mat.

Continue to use your max/min meter to keep track of the relative humidity and temperature.

As for the clones, sometimes they are recoverable but generally not worth it, and really you are better of taking fresh ones.
If you want to experiment with trying to recover them then you can remove them from the medium and put them in a bowl of fresh tap water for 12 hours, if they re-gain their vigour then you may be in luck.

Personally I would take bigger cuttings next time, ones with thicker stems, and remember that nitrogen inhibits roots where as phosphorus aids roots, so it might be worth giving your mother plants a small dose of phosphorus before taking cuttings, and make sure your mothers are well hydrated also before you cut.

Some people leave the humidity domes on for weeks but I find clones root quicker if you stage them and remove the domes after about three days, if they start to wilt then replace the dome and give it another day.

The sooner clones start to drink from the callus the sooner they make roots.

Oh and one last thing, it looks like some of the clones are not making good contact with the medium, there shouldn't be gaps between the stem and the medium.

I hope some of this information is helpful.


Well-Known Member
I dont use humidity dome, its hot as a 600 pound bitch's arm pits in the desert lol (like 90-95-100) , and still manage to get about 80-90 % percent success with simply putting a cutting into a cup of water and waiting for roots, then planting. Mist the leaves once a day or atleast try to, and wait for a mini root system to grow like an inch or two long.

If some of these guys techniques too crazy or complex, try the cup of water method. :)


Well-Known Member
I know it wont help now but I would save yourself future headaches and make a bubble cloner. Simple, inexpensive, low maintenance and high success rate.

If you need that many, Id go with an aero cloner made using a larger tote. There a little more involved to DIY but still very easy and inexpensive.

A google search will turn up several DIY instructions.

No more domes, misting, heating mats, watering, etc.

I think the problems people have come from overdoing it trying to create a "perfect" environment. I take cuttings, dip them in olivias and put them in a bubble cloner filled with tap water and a few drops of superthrive. I dont think the ST is even necessary, I just have it and want to use it. Same with the cloning gel.

In about a week they will root. You can them put them in the medium of your choice. If you want to use rockwool just substitute 2" net pots and place a RW cube in it.


Well-Known Member
We all learn our lessons in similar fashion. Sorry to see your clones in such condition. I bet your next set of clones will do just fine. Maybe only clone one or two to ensure you have it dialed in before going with 20 clones.


Active Member
Yeah man, those got fried, %100.
I dont personally thinkkthey'll come back for the most part, and even if they do, you might of already stressed them to the point of genetic degredation.
The ones that are taking, let them keep goin, , I would personally immediately take out the ones that are all drooped aas they will probably start to rot in a day or so, and that can spread to any that did take.

Totally correct on the fact that the cut needs to have contact with the medium, rockwool in your case.
I use rockwool for years, no heat mats, just hygrozyme 2ml/gal, and have them in domes at around 75-80F, enough water/solution in the bottom so your rockwool can wick up any water is needs, changing it out ever 3-4 days. Should have rooted cuts in 2 weeks,\.
I recently switched back to organic plugs which I absolutely love and prefer. They root faster, have a better texture, better air:water ratio, and are like sponges. you can cut a slit, open it, put in the clone, and it hold it perfectly on every bit of surface area. I get almost %100 results with them every time.
As long as your ambient temperatures are proper, you dont NEED heatmats. Maybe if you're having problems with a particular strain, then bring it out for extra measure, but you shouldn't need it.
I like Rootech gel personally, and hygrozyme, no nutrient needed. With some that were already rooted in the past, and started needing nutes, I've used GO Bioroot, and hygrozyme, at 2ml Hygrozyme, and 1ml Bioroot per gal, or drops if your going by a quart or something. Superthrive is decent stuff too.

Hope I could be some help.

all i do bro anfd im a newb at bubbleponics but been cloning for yrs ......i cut at angle drop in clonex while i get rockwool wet then then simply put em in my trey... is not domed... jus quarter in of real weak solution... and quarter tsp aquashield i usually set them right outside my grow room with lil light and this grow i got 4 outa 5...but bro some strains are crazy hard to clone in my experience ...expesially some of the auto flowering.....but i would definitely not take asd many at a time bro cause by the looks of it you chopped mom up and cooked the babies...its trial and error sry for ur losing them