Cloning, Is this normal for 5 hours in?


Active Member
These are pics of my ladies 5 hours in, my temps at 75 humidity... well ive sprayed them right when i planted them and ive sprayed the dome twice now but its reading 80% but fluctuates from 80- 65 i dont know whats up with that cause people say i should lift the dome once or twice a day to let fresh air in and to mist the ladies and the dome. is there drooping normal or should i change something up and tell me why please, i got alot rydin on this, thanx +rep if you can help


I'm new at this man but I think you over doing it.

My clones sat in a closet under one fluro tube(40 watt) for a month, and all I did was water them(with reg tap water). No nutes, no PH adjustment, no spraying, no fan, no heat or venting. I never had one problem.

I know one of the rules of growing is not to baby them so much. In fact my clones grew quicker if there was less water. So I would wait till they(my plants) were bone dry to water. And they flourished!!!

You seem to have a lot of moisture/humidity. Thats the best I can tell ya. Good luck.:eyesmoke:


Well-Known Member
I'm new at this man but I think you over doing it.

My clones sat in a closet under one fluro tube(40 watt) for a month, and all I did was water them(with reg tap water). No nutes, no PH adjustment, no spraying, no fan, no heat or venting. I never had one problem.

I know one of the rules of growing is not to baby them so much. In fact my clones grew quicker if there was less water. So I would wait till they(my plants) were bone dry to water. And they flourished!!!

You seem to have a lot of moisture/humidity. Thats the best I can tell ya. Good luck.:eyesmoke:
You left wayyy to much foliage on those clones. You should only leave maybe 4 healthy leaves. Clones should not just be planted branches. Without roots they cannot support all those leaves. Check out George Cervantes cloning guide for more detailed info.


Active Member
so these ladies shouldnt be drooping like this? ohh and i just went in and clipped alot of folige, any other advice?
so these ladies shouldnt be drooping like this? ohh and i just went in and clipped alot of folige, any other advice?
Yeah the other guy is right too. They are just weighed down and too wet. I haven't really seen that set up you have so it's kinda hard to say.


Well-Known Member
If you think about it , basically your babies are trying to survive and feed themselves with only the tiniest of root systems, the drooping is caused by the plant forcing itself to feed off itself while it establishes roots of its own, mine perked up at first then after about 24 hours they drooped quite a bit , but the tips started growing nicely, not being an expert I would reckon its just biology taking place, imagine how you would feel if most of your stomach was taken away , pretty weak but your surviving , best idea is just give them time, they should pick up , maybe spray less and hold the watering , the roots need to go in search of water , if water is abundant they will stop growing as they should be and possibly drown your girls . . . . its not an instant occurance , think how long a seed takes to show its first few leaves, they dont just appear overnighht do they ? nature man , she's a funny old thing :)


Well-Known Member
clones should have two or four fan leaves, which should be rounded off. the 45 degree angle cut should be close to the bottom leaves so the stem can support its weight, but not to close. the humidity in the dome is all the moisture you need for one week, or untill they take root. the leaves will absorb the moisture needed, the soil needs to have lots of oxygen for the roots to grow. roots grow best in the dark periods so you should keep them under less intense lighting for a couple of days and gradually introduce them to brighter light. hope this helps, good luck

captain insaneo

Well-Known Member
usually when i see that in my cloner i know it is time to redo the solution, i found that one plant i cloned always did that. ONLY OPEN YOUR DOME ONCE A DAY! not twice not three times, once. As far as leaving too many leaves yeah.... but with out seeing what you started with it is hard to tell. Here is a silly question got a lot of chlorine in your water? Did you ph the rock wool?

at this point just let them go they might bounce back.


Active Member
its funny you should metion clorine but no i have a reverse osmosis filter, but ive noticed that the ppm is 380-400, i herd 100-150is normal for coming out of a oss filter so im gonna check on that (is that @ normal ppm?). Yeah im using rockwool, this is my first time, when i seeded i used plugs, i kinda didnt like them so im trying rockwool, and yeah i presoaked the rock wool with the rock wool solution. for my water that i sprayed on the clones was a tiny bit of liquid seeweed, i reserched and i guess theres alot of vitamin b in it for clones needs. Since ive posted it looks like 5 is only going to make it out of 40... shitty but im going to clone 2 morrow after i water the mothers today. any feedback is cool


Active Member
jorge cervantes leaves to much folige right? i left alil less than that on mine and peoples been telling me i left to much for the roots to support. he dosnt even say how often to spray...or lifting the dome. He knows what hes talking about but when i do it it would be nice to know exactly what to do from cut to transplant. any buddy wanna give me a step by step of there opinion? any buddy wanna challenge others techniques? post them here, ill give +rep all day

captain insaneo

Well-Known Member
get or make an aerocloner you will be happy and no a RO system needs a new membrane if you are getting 60+ tds readings my tap water is in the 600's and at my folks' it is low 200's

newgrowth is right "Are you using rockwool? If it is over-saturated your clones will wilt."

a bubble-cloner or an aerocloner with a good cloning solution is really the only way to go if you are routinely going to be doing a 40 clone run.


Active Member
yeah that and i mist them lil bit to much too, aerocloner... ill look into that, yeah ill will for sure in the near future get at least 15 clones every two weeks or thirty once a month hopefully going out, but we'll see with this cloning pains.


Active Member
i just built an aero cloner for 30 bucks! this is my first run with it and i have roots in 8 days! HELL YEAH! lol oh yea just plain old water that i bubbled for a day. build one. i will never use rockwool n a dome again these things are the shit. Hmmm maybe i will build a big one and?