cloning help


Active Member
i just cut three cut three clones from my mother plant and they got pretty droopy en route to my house from my firiends

i put them under a flourescent lights but they are still pretty droopy

is that normal?


Well-Known Member
clones look that way for a few days, some cases a week or 2 till the got a proper rooting system to support them.

grow clones always in a dome, mist them several times a day and watch out that they sit not to cold. they only root well if they past 69°F and below 85°F!


Well-Known Member
what medium do you use to grow them, rockwool, jiffies or do you go with the water glass method. do you use a rooting hormone/cloning agent? and did you male a 45° degree angled cut on those clones? post your set up, if you can post a pic of it.


Active Member
i used rock wool with orgnic rooting compound and a good 45 degree cut, and they are in a coverd container under a 400 watt hps bulb, along with my other plants

ill have pics up soon enough