cloning for sex, question?


Active Member
hey, guys. I have 2 Querkle (unknown sex) running right now. they are 4 weeks and 1 day old (vegging still) about a week ago i took a throw away clone from each plant, put them into 12/12 then a few days after changed to 10/14 to determine sex. a week later none of the clones have shown sex, but both have established roots (one clone has roots poping out of the rapid rooter already, the other has a few at the base of the stem digging into the rapid rooter (im sure more about to pop out of the RR).

i have 2 questions for the RIU community.

1.When cloning specifically for sex, do you guys treat your clones with rooting solution? or cut straight into plugs?


2. Should i continue to keep them under 12/12//10/14 lighting and hope they sex? or should i just move them into my veg tent until they grow a bit and try to switch them later?

thanks in advance


Well-Known Member
Cloning for sex is the same as cloning for propagation, is it not? Some dip, some don't.

You should probably just leave them at 12/12 for another week or so, 'til they show sex.

sky rocket

Well-Known Member
What I did with my regular hortilab sourstar beans was I took cuttings from each plant and put them in cup of tap water. Input them in my flower room(12/12) some showed sex within 7 days some took as long as 14 days. Also they started to root in the cup of water.


Well-Known Member
If your plants are already 4 weeks old, then by the time you clone, get roots and establish new growth the parent plant more than likely will have shown sex already. Most strains will show their sex between 4 and 6 weeks. General rule of thumb your biggest fastest growing plants tend to be the males. Good Luck and Happy Growing

Julius Caesar

Active Member
10/14? Whoever told you to do this shouldn't be listened to anymore. 12/12 is perfect for flowering.

If your plant is not sexually mature it will not show sex regardless of lighting. 45 to 60 days after germination it should begin sprouting alternating nodes. That is when it is ready to sex/flower.

If you just want to determine sex, take a cutting and stick it in ph adjusted water in a solo cup. About 10-14 days later it should start showing sex. Afterward throw it away - you wouldn't want to flower a clone this small and the time to take to re-veg you could just cut another clone and it will root quicker.