Cloning/flowering advice


Well-Known Member
Clone and flower advice

I cut this clone about half of the size that it is now while “topping” some CBD hemp.

It looks as though it is about 4 3/4 inches above ground. I planted it probably when it was two inches above ground with probably 4 inches in the ground. The diameter of the clipping was quite thin… Maybe an eighth of an inch or so. (comments/criticism on that would be appreciated.)

This is a plant that has been grown from “regular” hemp seed, and that I am trying to harvest some pollen from.

The Mother plant is doing well… I just want to flower the clone to determine the gender.

So the clone is almost 5 inches tall and I don’t plan on doing anything with it other than turning it to flower to determine the gender so the question is at what height or other metric would be the earliest point for me to flip it?

Also… Since I am a cheap son of a gun, the purpose of my obtaining the pollen is to pollinate some high THC cannabis with this hemp so I have a boatload of seeds (hopefully somewhere in the middle THC wise) and don’t have to pay ridiculous seed bank prices. (comments and criticisms are also welcome on that thought process).
If the sole purpose if to determine sex I would have been giving it 12/12 since the first roots appeared. You really don't even need to wait for roots. You can just put a cut right under 12/12
If you have a mother plant, and it's sexually mature eg the nodes are alternating then it should be showing preflowers. A male shows pretty quickly (usually) and will begin forming male flowers even under veg time.
Thank you!

I guess I better be looking out for that on the Mother plant… I don’t want pollen in the regular grow tent.
Jjgrow is correct on all of that.

I just thought I would add since you asked for comments.

you don’t need to spend high prices to get good seeds. There are plenty of places to get good seeds for $3-10 a piece and they will usually even come with freebies. That $3-10 will then turn into a plant that you can clone indefinitely if you keep it healthy. So to me even at the high end of $10 a piece those seeds are totally worth it. Trust me I do have extra money to waste on seeds, I’m not a seed collector. I only afford what I am planning on really using. In 18 years of growing I have probably spent $300-400 on seeds. That same investment also paid for itself many many many times over once I found keeper plants that I cloned every 2 weeks for 4-6 years.

Are you specifically wanting a hemp hybrid?

And do you already have a plant you are planning on crossing the hemp with?
Thanks for your reply.

I probably didn’t characterize by sentiments very well regarding seed acquisition.

Some background: I am over 60 years old and work in the healthcare field. About 20 years ago I got a DUI, which could have been very detrimental to my career (and to some extent didn’t smoke much for that reason). Also, I smoked when I was in my teens and 20s some, but probably only 0 to 4 times per year in my 30s 40s and 50s. Part of that is due to the fact that one hit would send me to La La Land for the better part of the rest of the day. Kind of didn’t have the time commitment for it… it’s not a social thing for me, it’s more of a“smoke a little and watch a good movie“ kind of thing.

Being such a lightweight, I discovered that CBD weed Would give me kind of a “beer buzz” And I could still function. I discovered less than a year ago that hemp flower was obtainable legally through the farm act of 2018. Also, being sold in my state over-the-counter are low THC gummies. (even those are little too much for me in a social situation.) —and I like to know what’s in what I consume so I’d rather grow my own.

So…. Now it is legal in my state to cultivate, however the regulatory systems are not in place yet for purchasing seeds or plants (dispensary regulations). Our seed law requires lots of documentation regarding tracking and THC content, and so forth. Nevertheless, I found a tobacco smoke shop in town selling seeds from a USA company— likely not in compliance with the law… But I don’t know all the intricacies of that. Somewhere along the line I also read that some of the overseas packages may get irradiated so you would receive your package, but the seeds may have been shipped while they were viable, but not arrived at your home in that condition.

SO… I acquired some low THC seeds (5% THC/5% CBD) that smoke shop was selling from that USA company… CB Dutch treat and Auto Critical CBD … and with each purchase received a free (regular strength THC) seed … White Rhino (photoperiod) and Afghan (Auto).

The law in our state changed on August 1 and I had my Auto critical in the ground on August 2. I planted her in a small 2-3 gallon pot and got only 1 1/2 oz from her, but for my first attempt, I was happy.

I also aquired some CBD seeds (Abacus, Cherry Wine, Autopilot) thinking that would be my “beer” and could harvest some pollen to seed a little of the high THC plant to supplement cloning just in case everything died on me.

(Incidentally I pretty much gave up alcohol and dropped about 15 pounds due to not consuming all those excess calories and my liver probably is much happier as well! (and I’m less of an asshole). I’m just more than a little bit pissed off that the government would deny access to legal marijuana for all these years while permitting alcohol which is much much more dangerous and detrimental in my opinion

SO…. Between hemp flower that I purchased, and am growing, I already have probably all the “beer“ I will need for the remainder of my life on this planet., But will probably likely just grow for a little while to get some higher THC herb for those times, I want to smoke a little extra and put in a good movie.

So it really doesn’t matter to me how much THC is in the resulting plants from the seeds I would pollinate from the low THC to the high THC plants, I figured I would just grow it, and smoke it, and see what I get!

Sorry for the long, long, long explanation that’s kind of where I’m coming from.

smoking pot used to be a very social experience in my young adult life, and there was always someone willing to give it to you, and I was always willing to give it to them… Sharing is caring… There were always bag seeds available to grow, which I did back in the day for just a few plants and was happy with the results… So weed and weed seed in my opinion ought to be shared. it’s great that you could go to a dispensary and purchase some, but my opinion is it should be abundant and liberally given to friends and anyone who wants it for free.

Just my two cents.