Cloning Buckets vs Cubes

Hulk Nugs

Well-Known Member
I just set up my first hydro system and my first grow. I am using a pump drip system for my clones and babys. I was looking on line and found a cloneing system for like 8 clones witch is perfect for me dont need to many just for personal. Anyone use those bucket clone setups?? are they good should i get one to make my clones or should i just use cubes. I will be cuting and cloning in couple weeks and wanted to get prepared for it. So if i switch to that clonerbucket what do i need for a goood set up.... thanks for the info


Well-Known Member
if you can master cubes I say you are better off. Unless you are aero growing then it might not matter so much. You see the rw cubes keep the roots protected. Then when i transprot them into the bigger system i can avoid root damage and transplant shock, which i have had before and hermied a clone. It looks bad when they stunt from root damage.
I am using the complete heat mat, clone tray, rw cube insert, humid dome, and h202 set up for clones. I am about to cut tonight. I have used dwc cloner i made with a coffe can and an airstone with 100 success. Aero cloning and dwc cloning is easy. But what kinda media are you going to put them into next? I did not see that.
Also you can make one of those cloners for CHEAP! It si just a water pump and a sprinkler head. that's it. Water pumos are like 30 for a good one and sprinklers are like 6 bucks at home depot. No tough sceince at all. Stinkbud has an excellent cloner to build with complete plans. His is huge bud you owuld get the idea.
Dwc is easy. Just drill holes in a rubber,aid. Drop an airstone in the water and let the clones hang. Drill 1 inch holes so you can pull the roots out without damage.
If you learn rw then you are set i beleive.

Hulk Nugs

Well-Known Member
what is dwc and rw. I have a flowering room 2by2by5 with a hydro set up under a 400 wat hps 55000 lumens. how many plants do you recremend for this setup? I just got a 600wat mh and the works to replace my florecents in my veg room, how far away do you think i should keep it ?

Hulk Nugs

Well-Known Member
thanks man just what i got , do you think i should leave my coolwhiteand naturalsun florecnets in there?


Well-Known Member
cubes that i meant are rock wool cubes, a common cloning and seed starting medium. To start seeds and clones you use 1.5 inch cubes. Grodan is a popular maker of rockwool for hydro gardening and they have a large helpful website you can check out.
DWC is deepwater culture. It is a bin of water with an airstone in it. The plants roots rest in the water while the plant itself is suspended above it by device, usually a netpot with a hydroton or similiar media.
These are two methids of cloning. The method you asked about is an aero cloner. It suspends the media usually in hydroton over an air chamber the sturates the clone base with sprays of water with a mister or sprinklre head. This is the fastes way of growing roots.
you got some reading to do. so do i still. good luck