Cloning and Quantities, SoG.


Well I'm researching a lot about designing a good system and I have ran into a snag.

I would like to do a SoG setup with 30-36 plants. Now my problem is how many mothers do I need to clone 30-36 plants. It would seem like it would be really hard to do that. Or do I just clone a clone? Help me on this please.

Heres a secondary question... Can I flower 2 groups of plants that are a few weeks apart under one 600w light in a 4x4 area? If this is the case then I could do that and it would only require me to 15-18 clones at a time. I was thinking its not desirable cause the older plants will be bigger, and I could only lower the light to the height of the tallest plants.

I have been researching a lot, I have been on this site for atleast 20hrs, and I'm still on room design and grow techniques. :)