cloning and problems


Active Member
ok i am having problems with cloning, after cutting and all of that bullshit, how much water do you give them , is the rockwool suppost to be submerged in water or just a little moist

sUpA nOvA D9

Well-Known Member
Submerge the rockwool in water, then push down on it to make sure all of the rockwool is soaked with water, then pour out the excess from your tray or container. You should have a pH of roughly 6.3 if using rockwool. Make sure once to put them in the rockwool make sure you spray them down to keep the stem, and leaves of the clone moist, if it dries out soon after the cutting it will die. Are you cutting under water, or using a spray bottle with clean water adjusted to 6.5? You should be atleast spraying the mother down especially the branches you have choosedn to use for clones. Make sure you transfer the fresh cutting (clone) into your growing hormone IMMEDIATELY if left in the air too long air can enter the stem, and WILL kill the clone. Make sure you are also making the clones away from light...grab a string of green x-mas lights, and plug them in in a dark room. The green lights are used because the plant doesn't use light in the green spectrum, so it acts as if it were without lights on, but you can see what your doing.

sUpA nOvA D9

Well-Known Member
The guys over at VISC recommend 6.3 with great success on a huge scale, but rockwool does recommend 5.5, and soaking the rockwool over night in the water adjusted to 5.5.