Cloning advice please! PICS


Well-Known Member
Well I had my first shot at cloning in a DWC unit... only thing is they dont look to healthy. Is this normal? Can they be saved? They look really droopy and fucked compared to yesterday when I took the clones....

Please help I plan on starting a perpetual grow next year, but if I cant clone it wont work...



Well-Known Member
yeah man, its called cloneX. Will they be sweet? Or do clones usually stay healthier looking early on?


Rebel From The North
clones wont take like that they look dry and get a flat and done use
growdan or rappid rooter to clone in then when theres roots put
them in the setup you got hope that helps.


Active Member
I think he means...

hellraizer30 {translated by Kennedy : p} said:
Clones won't take like that, they look dry. Get a flat and dome [like a humidity dome, propagation container] e.g. "growdan" or "rapid rooter" to clone inside. When there are roots, put them in the setup you already have.

Mind you I'm ripped, could be wrong.

Really hope that helps now ;).


Well-Known Member
mate your clones look fine dont;-)
the fact that they are wilting is due to the fact that u have cut meristem;-) and interrupted the flow of nutes etc to the little cutting.:-( order to give your clones the best chance of survival they need to be kept in a humidity dome:-P so they can adjust to the new situation(no roots:-() keeping them moist all the time and venting them every so often will improve their chance of survival....hope this helps you my friend;-)

.....if you need more help just ask;-)


Well-Known Member
Oh and thanks tiger for your advice.. How long do u think i will take until they bounce back? Its my first time cloning, that should speak for itself ha


Well-Known Member
Oh and thanks tiger for your advice.. How long do u think i will take until they bounce back? Its my first time cloning, that should speak for itself ha

usually takes anwhere from 3-10 days till it has grown a substantial enough root system;-)

Its my first time cloning, that should speak for itself ha[/quote] we all had to start somewhere


Well-Known Member
Thanks man, I have them in a mix of vermiculite and clay balls. Should I be watering from the top aswell or will the water in the DWC unit be enough. The bottom of the stem isnt poking thru the net cup, its sitting in the medium... Thanks for ur help, I might need more so I hope u dont mind if I keep asking...



hey geronamo when i take clones i cover them to keep the humidity high and moist all of the time take a look in my profile under my album for photos and i ususally start them in little jiffy pots so they are easier to control best of luck.:peace:


Well-Known Member
Thanks man, I have them in a mix of vermiculite and clay balls. Should I be watering from the top aswell or will the water in the DWC unit be enough. The bottom of the stem isnt poking thru the net cup, its sitting in the medium... Thanks for ur help, I might need more so I hope u dont mind if I keep asking...


hey geronamo- you shouldnt have to water the clones from the top ;-),because the dwc should be enough if as you state ( The bottom of the stem isnt poking thru the net cup, its sitting in the medium.;-)..)-however i would tend to mist the tops of the clones (6-8 times a day:!:)simply as you dont have them in a humidity dome:-((keeps temps,humidity etc steady)also i would trim some of those leaves in half;-)-the clone has no root system to survive yet:-( and is loosing a lot of moisture through its stomata in the leaves:-(-cut the leaves in half the clone transpires less:-P and can use more of its energy to regenerate the root system that it needs....;-)..

hope this helped you out any my friend;-) just shout if you need me again;-)



Active Member
Ha ha that is the funniest shit I have read all day. You speak fluent stoner lol. Nice translation.....
Haha all good bro.

You still having problems or have you sorted it?

Depending on the size of the cutting you take to clone from, you could get a 100 CD CD Case (one of the ones with spindles in the middle) and put your little pot inside that and then have that as your humidity dome.. Open it once or twice a day to let the air escape and refresh tho and make sure there is always a bit of condensation around the top of it (a good indication of the humidity ;) )


Well-Known Member
i had same problem with my first clones- but i put a clear cup over top of them and they perked right up!(in almost half a day)