cloning a plant in late flowering


Well-Known Member
can i take a clipping from a plant thats 6 weeks flowering that has flowers on it, im some crazy white diezle that i never took a cutting from and i wanna preserve her genetics


Well-Known Member
Sure.................. take a few cuttings. It just takes longer to root and success is not %100


Well-Known Member
You can - and there are numerous reports of people having great results... I have heard others claim that cuts from flowering plants do not have the desired molecular makeup as vegetative plants, and this can lead to plants that are weaker and more susceptible to pests and disease.


Well-Known Member
Take your cutting, And put your clone in a humidity dome, it will take a while to revert back to veg. The clone will be stressed for the next while. But it will eventually revert. I don't recommend cloning from a flowering plant, so next time take your cutting before flowering :D:D


Active Member
ive read of clones that were taken from a flowering plant and the clones autoflowered. This may not happen to you, just letting you know its a possibility

Hidden Dragon

Well-Known Member
I just cloned a plant that was 60 days into flower before I realized it's genetic potential. That was stupid of me. I cloned one into my Aeroflo (put into Grodan rockwool cube first). The second just into Grodan rockwool cube, then into 4" cube. The one in the AF just showed roots today after 3 weeks. The one in just the RW didn't make it. I'm glad I tried though, as I now have a clone of the nicest plant I ever grew. Pays to try. :leaf:


Well-Known Member
I just cloned a plant that was 60 days into flower before I realized it's genetic potential. That was stupid of me. I cloned one into my Aeroflo (put into Grodan rockwool cube first). The second just into Grodan rockwool cube, then into 4" cube. The one in the AF just showed roots today after 3 weeks. The one in just the RW didn't make it. I'm glad I tried though, as I now have a clone of the nicest plant I ever grew. Pays to try. :leaf:
exactly wont know till u try everything u have questions about, i plan on trying to reveg both of my flowering females after harvest


Well-Known Member
hey dragon was it you that said something about high rez temps? i had started a thread about rez temps and hygrozyme, the shits amazing anyhows....the plant in question is White diesle.....know i know why its called deisel, i swear it smells like a tractor driving by, like burnt gets so powdery with trichs the large fans are covered