cloning a flowering plant question


I had six plants. Only one flowered and I eventually realized the others weren't flowering because they were males :cry:. I've decided to keep one of the males so I can have some seeds for future grows. I also figured I'd make a couple clones from the already flowering female.

The only nodes I can cut are either very small or have a flower. My questions are:

How small can a clone be and still take root?

Will an already flowering clone be able to return to a vegging state?


Well-Known Member
As long as the clone has stem and leaf it can root and grow.

A flowering clones takes a long time to return to veg.


Active Member
I took clones from a female that was just starting to flower,I took them from the bottom,they werent getting much light anyway and they have grown some very good roots but they havent started to grow, there still the same size and its been around 2 weeks, I figure they might start now because I gave them a mild dose of nutes and will start to increase the ppm every 5 days until I get to 1000 ppm.I have them under 24 hrs of light for now,once they get 12" to 14" they will go in to the flower room.I just hope they grow cuz the mother has got some very frosty buds already and she got a long way to go at least 5 or 6 weeks