Cloning a auto strain?


Active Member
i am not going to explain much because the title is preety much self explanatory? Had anybody tried this? Has anybody heard of such thing? Is it possible?

I took two clones of my auto cindy99

Im hoping that if i keep cloning, i will have bud every two weeks( thats how much it takes to root during flowering)

will this work?


Well-Known Member
some reports say it is possible to do but impractical,since its an auto and you would only reduce your total yeild in the end and waste a few buds that could have over a g each,but by making them there own plants you will be lucky to get a half gram from lets say "5" clones combined

autos do away with veg and just go to flowering and should be grown from seed to seed


Well-Known Member
but if he pollinates a fem sure he must have a male from the same strain ?

everything i read on the dwarf strains, says they best from seed. have'nt seen anyone/heard anyone cloning a flowering dwarf strain.



Active Member
everything ive read says to just let it ride and do your normal grow. dont try to clone it or anything.