Clones look sick HELP


Well-Known Member
looks over watered and possibly mites, you need to check under your leaves with a loupe for parasites and slow down on your drenchings
I have not watered her in a week now after the transplant. Also some leaves are a dark green color and some have burnt tips on leafs. I'm only using 1/2 teaspoon per gallon of fox farm fert to start off plants with. I did notice some bugs on bottoms of leafs looks like maybe spider mites I've been treating every other night with some might wash and I can't see any bugs anymore. Should I fallow up with the power wash? Is there anything better I can use for bugs??? I mixed some promix and foxfarm soil due to plants being young yet afraid of nutrient burn. This is my first grow I bring them in at night and put them back outside during the day... Last time I checked soil ph it was low at 6.1. Any tips on raising the pH?


Well-Known Member
Amended soil with dolemite lime and then you won't need to watch ph so close, to raise ph you just raise the ph of your waterings