clones in dome or covered

my clones are in two seperate mondi-domes i have roots growing out bottoms on most about 1in tohalf inch long roots beens there about 5 -6 days how long before i take domes or tops off domes and then how long before i can plant in soil?? Can anyone help??:arrow:

a mongo frog

Well-Known Member
do u have the ports on top the domes open?
ive had sucess taking off the domes slowly. i used to put a bottle cap to crack the dome a little at bottom. then something bigger. then off.
if u think u have enough roots to transplant into soil thats when u do it.
id get a vics humidifier to get the area humid when transplanting to soil. can get those at wall mart or a drug store.


Sector 5 Moderator
Sounds like your roots are already long enough to be feeding the plant. You don't want to let it go too long before planting it.