Clones: how much stem?

If I have a choice between nodes, one with lots of stem, and the next one close to the top, which is preferable? Does extra stem make a clone hardier?


Well-Known Member
It really isn't a factor in rooting the clones, though more nodes mean more vegetation and faster growth after rooting.


Well-Known Member
you will have more luck and a quicker rooting time if you scrap about a 1/2" of the stem away at the bottom exposing the flesh of the stem... you can also make a slit up the middle of the stem the length of the scrapped area... this exposes more surface area during rooting so more area for rooting hormones to affect... which means quicker rooting time and larger root production faster during the rooting process.. just make sure you keep the area humid or mist the plants a few times a day since the clones cant absorb moisture without roots..


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
02-17-2009, 04:29 PM
Mr. Ganja
Join Date: Mar 2008
Location: coosbay org.
Posts: 4,509

my CRAZY cloning technique

just thought i would share. this technique works. these are all cut off the lower branches. yes i can take anything you all want to throw at me, so tell me what you think. now the one in the glass is in strait water. gonna see what happens their. :wink:


grow space

Well-Known Member
nice tech... dude.your metheod is great, but i noticed that the clones that are just in the water are in my opinion in a wrong cup-it is not good to use that kind of cups because the clone roots will take longer to develop-just put them in a dark cup where sun cant shine in and it will take a little less time...
keep up the good work.:peace::peace:


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
nice tech... dude.your metheod is great, but i noticed that the clones that are just in the water are in my opinion in a wrong cup-it is not good to use that kind of cups because the clone roots will take longer to develop-just put them in a dark cup where sun cant shine in and it will take a little less time...
keep up the good work.
them in the glassdid not take, but i have more in a clear jar thet are starting to look pretty good. i'll see what happens in a few more days.
light on the root will not hurt them it the air that will.

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
that's some mad technique mygirls, ive never seen anyone take clones with that much stalk! im sold, im gonna be much more bold next time!!

why the water tho when you got the clones in rockwool in a prop? surely thats much faster rooting time?


Well-Known Member
I personally take at least a couple inches more than I think I need.

And I also scrape the bottoms before dipping in the rooting hormone. Rootech gel has semed to work the best for me :)


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
that's some mad technique mygirls, ive never seen anyone take clones with that much stalk! im sold, im gonna be much more bold next time!!

why the water tho when you got the clones in rockwool in a prop? surely thats much faster rooting time?
are you talking about the water glass. i was trying to rootin just water
I personally take at least a couple inches more than I think I need.

And I also scrape the bottoms before dipping in the rooting hormone. Rootech gel has semed to work the best for me :)
i do if you notice the clone being diped in the powder, no growth on the stem.all cut off.:hump:


Well-Known Member
i have some rockwool plugs i use for seeds and a clone-x 30-spot clone-a-nator... i dunno if thats what its actual name is.. just what me and my business partner call it... it works well... roots in 5 days usually... long as roots after a week... like the kind you wrap around the bottom of a pot long.... scrap the clones, dip them in roottech gel, and put them in the clone-a-nator and thats it... the clone-a-nator takes about 4 or 5 gallons or water and the clonex liquid rooting solution... i like it.. its easy... quick... and i always have 100% success with it... they make them up to 100 spots... thats a shit ton of clones...

thats a cool technique tho MYGIRLS.. i might try it once and compare root growth between the clone-a-nator and that... be interesting to see the difference... and do you always cut all your clones that big?? why dont you trim them down at all so they dont transpire moisture so much?? just curious.. i like your growing techniques.. curious about your train of thought...


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
i have some rockwool plugs i use for seeds and a clone-x 30-spot clone-a-nator... i dunno if thats what its actual name is.. just what me and my business partner call it... it works well... roots in 5 days usually... long as roots after a week... like the kind you wrap around the bottom of a pot long.... scrap the clones, dip them in roottech gel, and put them in the clone-a-nator and thats it... the clone-a-nator takes about 4 or 5 gallons or water and the clonex liquid rooting solution... i like it.. its easy... quick... and i always have 100% success with it... they make them up to 100 spots... thats a shit ton of clones...

thats a cool technique tho MYGIRLS.. i might try it once and compare root growth between the clone-a-nator and that... be interesting to see the difference... and do you always cut all your clones that big?? why dont you trim them down at all so they dont transpire moisture so much?? just curious.. i like your growing techniques.. curious about your train of thought...
that waz the 1st time i cut that big. i normaly cut them 4"tall. thats i keep just a bit of water in the bottom of the dome it is so humid in the dome that even the clones are driping with water.:hump:


Well-Known Member
I clone straight in soil. I use no dome just mist 3 times a day.

Size also does not matter. I had a clone That I messed up and it ended up being lil over a inch. I decided to see if it would root. Rooted in 4 days.

I cut, scrape the stem, dip in powder and place in soil. 18/6 cfl light. I use a heat pad and keep temps 80F. I get 100 percent success. Roots in 4-7 days.


Well-Known Member
that waz the 1st time i cut that big. i normaly cut them 4"tall. thats i keep just a bit of water in the bottom of the dome it is so humid in the dome that even the clones are driping with water.:hump:
You do not need all that humidity. You can have just as much success if not more just by misting 2 or 3 times a day and no dome.

You should try a cutting or 2 like that and see how it works for you.

I cut mine, put in the soil and mist till about day 7. You can tell they rooted cause they stand even more upright and new growth breaks out. I just mist and make sure soil is moist.

Than at day 7 I start them watering like a normal seedling. Some times I might pull the cutting out the soil easily and see if it has rooted. 30 days from cutting they go in to the flower room.


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
You do not need all that humidity. You can have just as much success if not more just by misting 2 or 3 times a day.

You should try a cutting or 2 like that and see how it works for you.

I cut mine, put in the soil and mist till about day 7. You can tell they rooted cause they stand even more upright and new growth breaks out. I just mist and make sure soil is moist.

Than at day 7 I start them watering like a normal seedling. Some times I might pull the cutting out the soil easily and see if it has rooted. 30 days from cutting they go in to the flower room.
well in 3 days if i pell open the rockwool i have roots already, 7 to 10 days latter they are out the cub already. thanks but i very happy with my 100% ratio also.:hump:


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
You do not need all that humidity. You can have just as much success if not more just by misting 2 or 3 times a day and no dome.

You should try a cutting or 2 like that and see how it works for you.

I cut mine, put in the soil and mist till about day 7. You can tell they rooted cause they stand even more upright and new growth breaks out. I just mist and make sure soil is moist.

Than at day 7 I start them watering like a normal seedling. Some times I might pull the cutting out the soil easily and see if it has rooted. 30 days from cutting they go in to the flower room.


Well-Known Member
well in 3 days if i pell open the rockwool i have roots already, 7 to 10 days latter they are out the cub already. thanks but i very happy with my 100% ratio also.:hump:
Oh not knocking your method. :hump: Just suggesting you to try 1 or 2 with no humidity dome and just misting like your are doing with the cutting in the plain water in a cup.

Just so you can see how this different technique might work out for you. If you have never tried it you might be surprised at how quickly they take off growing.



Medical Marijuana (MOD)
yes I have seen your grow. And not questioning your ability to grow dank bud. Just if you have never tried cloning with out the dome try it. Just like your cloning in a cup of water.
fuck that cup of water, and fuck the bubble coners for me anyway. every time i start clones in the cloner, or the glass of water they get this slimmy gel looking shitthat forms around the stem. :spew:every time.