Clones get soft stems


Active Member
High everyone,

I am using a few strains, all healthy cuttings with olivias cloning gel in happy frog.

The lights are 3, 4 foot T5's.

Today the temperature inside was roughly 87 degrees with higher than normal humidity. In the clone area the temperature couldve gotten up to 92.

Sorry for lack of pictures, but some of the really healthy cuttings developed soft stems and tipped over or are about to, especially concerning was the one which was clearly most healthy 36 hours ago. Im spraying the leaves 4x per day w/ distilled water and the soil is kept at a good moisture level. Any ideas what is causing my problems? My hypothesis is the added humidity coupled with my foilar spraying of water lead to over hydrated cuttings. Not all plants are droopy, but most show clear difference from 36 hours ago.

I have no humidiyt dome but its pretty humid here, and no AC means its humid inside. Thanks for any and all help.