Clones budding too soon?

SB Garlic

Active Member
I got some clones and planted them the first week of July. They are now all around ~12" and are starting to bud. Im wondering whats gonna happen now cuz I was hoping they would veg longer. Any tips?
planted a little late there. Usually plant around june 1st or sooner depending on where your at, just stay clear of last frost. Growing outdoors is different than in doors in the sense that flowering doesnt stop upward growth (veg). Your plants will probably double in size from now to harvest.

SB Garlic

Active Member
So what should I do for nutrients? Combo of veg/bloom or still use strictly veg ferts? TY in advance.


Well-Known Member
I grow indoors but I would think that you should start using bloom nutes now ur girls are now producing budz..
Plants will stretch a lot in their first two weeks of flowering so If you gave them flowering/veg nutes they should be fine just stop giving them the veg nutes and switch over to flowering nutes only in like a week.