Clones are drooping


Active Member
My clones were just planted 3 days ago and they were all perky and everything. And we watered it the first day in soil. Today (day 3) the leaves are drooping with no discoloration. I only watered them once. Whats going on?

South Texas

Well-Known Member
For first outdoor exposure, 1 hour indirect sunlight for the first 3 days, and a little more exposure as time goes by.


Well-Known Member
I would just put them in ambient light like under a tree until they perk up. I'm pretty sure unrooted clones cannot utilize the light.


Well-Known Member
put the plants under flurescent lights for about a week and then move outside once they ahve a good root system then they will be able to handle the sun.

Celtic Vixen

Active Member
My clones were just planted 3 days ago and they were all perky and everything. And we watered it the first day in soil. Today (day 3) the leaves are drooping with no discoloration. I only watered them once. Whats going on?
Hey cuba libre,

Clones almost always droop on the third least that has been my experience. They are perky on day one and start to slump day 2. I like to add root stimulator (liquid) as a watering agent.

Soil selection also impacts the development, as does lighting. Prevoius advice on using flueros (only) and slow intro into natural sunlight..listen to them.

I have about a 95% success rate with clones. There are really great videos on you tube to walk you thru it but I'll tell what I do:

Pick a stem that has already been topped so you get a "Y" shaped stem with two potential growth directions. Pull of the bottom set of leaves, and scrape the node site clean, cutting off any threads of plant membrane clean. Many say cut at 45, some say straight. I go at a 45.

Keep in a watered solution of root stimulator. Cut the leaves on the close in half...even down to a third is fine. You want to help the clone focused on root development and not leaf growth.

Keep the clone warm. I live in Hawaii so I don't have to use a heating pad on the bottopm but many in cold areas recommend that.

I have experimented with all kinds of soil. I find a mixture of seedling moss and perlite worrks well. I don't like the seedling mix for seeds but I like it for clones. It keeps it moist. Roots need moisture (not soping wet) but they want it warm and moist...kinda like everyone else. Sometimes I use/add composted soil.

I hope I haven't gone too fundamental and insulted you with the basics but I know some people are uncomfortable with cloning and it's really very easy and fun!

Grow on!
