Clones and Transplanting?

Swisher Sweet

Active Member
I am using a cloner (not aerobic but similar in terms of the use of water as the medium). This is my first time cloning in something different than soil. I realize the longer you leave them the stronger the root mass. However, how should you judge the time to transplant using root growth as a basis for your decision? Thanks in advance.


Well-Known Member
when mine show roots in my rockwool cubes i then add nutes and keep under 24 hour veg for two more weeks then transplant em to the 12/12 room.

Swisher Sweet

Active Member
Two weeks veg? Lots of light, strain or ? but I'm more than interested in ways that would shorten the cycle. If it is strain what kind of yield and what strain if your willing.


Well-Known Member
strain is/was ICE, about 92 actual watts (4 100 watt cfl) 24 hours a day 2 weeks veg but a month in total (at most) under 24 hour light. I dont know of any ways to shorten that cycle other than switching em to 12/12 as soon as they show roots.

Swisher Sweet

Active Member
24 straight through not 18. But 30 days total starting from a clone to putting into flower. No way to shorten that it just sounded like you were vegging for 15 days. This is still pretty quick.