clone stalk tips turning black

Howdy all,

I got a friend who just bought an easy cloner. I never used one. I only did clones once and used rappid rooter plugs with a current great outcome (about a week from harvest).

But on to his problem. I had stopped by and asked him if he had spayed them at all and he hadn't that day. Well when I poked my head in his room about half the clones had sick looking leaves with the tips turning dark and drying up, Inbetween the good part of the leaf and the blackish tip it was turning a light green almost yellow.

Well when I lifted out the first plug to check under the hood the tip of the stalk was black where it was cut. Did the same for all his clones, healthy and sick and all of them had black tips on the stalk. He has no temp guage to know if the room is too hot or not. No humidity guage to know if too humid. He had a heating pad under the tub but have since turned it off.

He used no gel or anything after taking the cuttings. They may have also been exposed to the air for the entire time he was taking clones. We'll say atleast 15 min of exposure. He's using cloneX in water in the tub. Also I don't think he cleaned it before use. It was a home made cloner and not sure if the grow shop guy cleaned it either.

Sorry if I left out any details you might need for an answer. If anyone can give me a detailed answer that I can take back to him so he can figure this out.

I thought it could have been any of the things I listed but can't tell him exactly what made em turn black like that on the stalks. We had done clones before but always used cloneX gel and plugs. First time using a easy cloner.


Well-Known Member
...asked him if he had spayed them at all and he hadn't that day.
......He has no temp guage to know if the room is too hot or not. ......
....No humidity guage to know if too humid.
.....He used no gel or anything after taking the cuttings.
.........They may have also been exposed to the air for the entire time he was taking clones -at least 15 min of exposure.
I don't think he cleaned it before use. .....and not sure if the grow shop guy cleaned it either.
any or all of the above could be the cause
He had a heating pad under the tub but have since turned it off..
sounds like the only thing he did right but w/out a thermometer.....


Active Member
man dont want to be disrespectful but tell him to go back to how he was doing it and do more research before his next lot and make sure he cleans everything down and get a proper thermometer and humidity meter