Clone Problems


New Member
Having trouble with my clones. They have nice roots but the tops are yellowing and fried… haven’t changed feed or lights, don’t know what’s going on… any thoughts?


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How long did it take to root?
Using nutrients to clone always slowed my results
You can probably save them but what is your final medium?
rock-wool stays to wet for my taste
Just practice your clone game until 95% of them come in at a week or under, then they stay nice and green. I like Root Riot type cubes, just moisten every other day and wring out the excess like you would squeeze the water out of a sponge-keeping their environment nice and consistently warm really helps too. You'll find they root much faster at 78-80 deg, it's more a factor than cloning gel in my recent experiments. Also, too much moisture is the enemy, keep them less moist and they'll root faster. Good Luck!
If you are having trouble getting your cuttings to root, try taking them closer to the cone of juvenility.

When selecting a keeper I look for something that clones well. IME some plants don't clone well. WARNING! This may be considered bro science.
Having trouble with my clones. They have nice roots but the tops are yellowing and fried… haven’t changed feed or lights, don’t know what’s going on… any thoughts?
that looks like what happens when you leave clones in a dome too long. I'd transplant and cut those necrotic leaves off as much as possible, should be fine once new growth starts coming in
I use root riot or similar, whatever is cheapest on amazon. Sturdy 50 cube tray with dome under 24W blue light. They are on a heat mat on a temp controller but don't need it till it gets colder. I have had 100 percent success rate the last 3 or 4 times cloning. I say 100 percent but I never actually transplant them all, but they all get nice roots. As far as water, tap with triple dose of Azos. I think that's the ticket. Roots in 7 days or sooner every time.