? Clone leaves turning yellow.


Well-Known Member
So I have a clone just saw a very small root starting. The leaves are yellow and look like they are hungry. Should I give them a bit of food? Or wait a day or two to transplant. I tried to get pictures but the camera pics suck.


Well-Known Member
So I have a clone just saw a very small root starting. The leaves are yellow and look like they are hungry. Should I give them a bit of food? Or wait a day or two to transplant. I tried to get pictures but the camera pics suck.


Well-Known Member
Yeah It can be quite normal for clones to kinda wither and then once the roots start they bounce back. Well mine do anyway.

You should also cut your leafs in half.


Well-Known Member
Get it in medium asap,and give a low feed.don't panic about the tops so much,you will get better the more you do,in future soak the cubes in aloe Vera,or something like superthrive,this will help with rooting,I use aloe Vera with all my clones now,I use it has a rooting compound and has a cube dip,they love the stuff .Just strip one leaf of the slime,and stir into about a litre of water, but mist with just water,that has been left to stand for a few days to let the chlorine evaporate, and you will will do fine
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