Clone from the club growing in my backyard need help


Active Member
I have 2 plants growing in my backyard that are from the club growing in seperate pots one is a kush plant and the other is unknown but definately not kush because it is much larger in size and shape. They get about 13 hours of direct sunlight daily. They are both healthy and starting to bud slowly but i still have some questions...

For the Kush plant...

Which kinds of nutrients should i be using?? (brand names please)

Roughly, how often should i be watering the plant?

How will i know when its time to start harvesting?

Is there any type of nutrient i could use to make the yield larger or quicker or the bud just overall better?

For the other unknown plant...

Which kinds of nutrients should i be using?? (brand names please)

Roughly, how often should i be watering the plant?

How will i know when its time to start harvesting?

Is there any type of nutrient i could use to make the yield larger or quicker or the bud just overall better?

Lord Dangly Bits

Well-Known Member
Ok, here is the best Information you will get. Do not even listen to anyone else. First off look in the top left hand corner and find GrowFaqs, read about your questions there. Then go cruise the Journal thread and other such threads and find someone you want to grow like, and follow what they do. Stick with what they do. Do not mix in a little from this person, and a little from that person. You will have a big batch of Guanno. Myself, I would find someone that is useing a medium that is hard to fuck up. LIKE COCO. But that is just my opinion, everyone had one.

Anyway, as for how often to water. Here is a hint, it takes about 7 days for a plant to recover from over watering, it takes the same plant about 30 minutes to recover from under watering. First you have to figure out what you are going to grow this plant in.
Go forth and read young grass grower.