Cloaning the woman


Ok I have tried looking this up an can't find an answere? When I cloan do I have to use all the chemical stuff or can I just simply plant it into a jiffy. When do I know when the right time is to clip off of the female plant to even cloan??? I'm new to cloaning but I have a female plant an I don't wanna plant abunch more seeds not knowing if I'll even get a female so I'm going to start cloaning so I need as much help with that so I can do it the best way


Active Member
C L O N E start by spelling it correctly into your google bar and you will find your answers. You do not need the harmones but they will increase the probobility of them taking root. Keep them in a humidity dome with 90-100% humidity until they take root which will be anywhere from 3-21 days. When taking the clone cut at least an inch and a half under any grow tip any time during the grow. scrape the stem all the way around with a razor to cut through the top layer of them stem for more surface area to take root. When cutting, cut at a 45 degree angle and immediately put into water (or rooting solution) so no air bubble enter the stem. hope that helps you CLONE


Well-Known Member
sure, but why not just get or make some rooting hormone and have faster rooting? a branch can be turned into a clone after its about 3-6 inches. let your plant develop preflowers b4 you take the clones, that way you wont be wasting your time on a bunch of clones that end up being male clones from a male *mother*( plant.


Well-Known Member
Ok I have tried looking this up an can't find an answere? When I cloan do I have to use all the chemical stuff or can I just simply plant it into a jiffy. When do I know when the right time is to clip off of the female plant to even cloan??? I'm new to cloaning but I have a female plant an I don't wanna plant abunch more seeds not knowing if I'll even get a female so I'm going to start cloaning so I need as much help with that so I can do it the best way
Here I googled the question, and theres a trillion sites on cloning. :bigjoint:

Here are some links

Good luck :)


Active Member
sure, but why not just get or make some rooting hormone and have faster rooting? a branch can be turned into a clone after its about 3-6 inches. let your plant develop preflowers b4 you take the clones, that way you wont be wasting your time on a bunch of clones that end up being male clones from a male *mother*( plant.

All the clones i've taking were only 1 1/2 inches.. check out the grow in my sig, all clone


Well-Known Member
its possible, that true, but just cuz something is possible doesnt mean its the best me a cloning guide that says you should take clones at 1-1.5 inches......


Well-Known Member
how funny, gig someone on their spelling and follow it with harmones in the clones never worked until i used spring water.


Active Member
how funny, gig someone on their spelling and follow it with harmones in the clones never worked until i used spring water.
I was saying that harmones work best.. i read his post and helped so what the problem?