Clipping the leaves

smiggin blunts

Active Member
Hey, my plant is 19 days into the flowering cycle. I was wondering if there was a way that you could clip the leaves off of the plant that don't bud without it harming the plant. I figured the reasoning for this would be so that my branches that need light for the flowering will get more light seeing as how the bigger leaves aren't in the way blocking them.



Green Thumb of God
The leaves act as large solar panels collecting energy from the light it then in turn uses that energy to fuel bud production in the dark hours. Most people will tell you under no circumstance cut the fan leaves. It can cause stress in the plants and stunt growth as well as possibly stress it into a hermie.

If you do choose to cut certain fan leaves only cut 2-5 leaves per plant. The way I do it is actually cut my leaves in half where I need better light penetration. Cutting them in half makes it so they are still collecting and storing energy yet they aren't constricting the light line of the buds below. You still don't want to do that to too many leaves but if you halve about 1/5 of the total fan leaves from the top you will be fine.


Well-Known Member
i do that, but by looking at your plant if u do dont do more than 2 at first. But if u look at the leaves they are still nice and green which means the plant is still using them. I only do it to my plant when they start turning yellow, so for now i think your good
my sug is to take 4 clones... trim the hell outta 2 and leave the othr two be...nute and give them the exact treatment.... c what happens im curious myself.. i trim because i was told too... i thought the fan leaves were likesolar panels but they also say trimming promotes new growth??? its all gonna have to be tested
Theres no reason to cut perfectly good leaves. Especially during flowering, the plant needs all the energy those leaves will produce.

Green Cross

Well-Known Member
Hey, my plant is 19 days into the flowering cycle. I was wondering if there was a way that you could clip the leaves off of the plant that don't bud without it harming the plant. I figured the reasoning for this would be so that my branches that need light for the flowering will get more light seeing as how the bigger leaves aren't in the way blocking them.
It's not too late to LST if you want more bud-sites to receive the best light. See my current grow for results LSTing in flower


Active Member
Nah, leave the leaves alone. Later into teh flowering cycle, the fan leaves will yellow, then it's okay to snip teh yellow parts off, but until then leave them alone. You can tie some branches to the side to get a slight increase in yield, it'd probably also eradicate your light problem.