Cleaning up crack.


Active Member
Well, if this thread is still here I am assume this isn't against the TOS?

Ripped from some shady corner of the internet. ;)

1) Dissolve the cocaine HCL in some water, add some decolorizing carbon and filter.
2) Add 28% aqua ammonia to the solution obtained in step 1 to produce the cocaine freebase and extract the freebase with low boiling petroleum ether.
3) Allow the petroleum ether to evaporate, dissolve the freebase in acteone and, if cloudy, filter again.
4)Prepare a solution of 1:2 conc. HCL in methanol. Use the aqueous HCL/methanol to acidify some acetone and then add to this solution the cocaine freebase/acetone solution.
5) Stir and allow the cocaine HCL to crystallize. Filter and acetone wash.
If any of the concepts are foreign to you (i.e. performing a chemical wash, an extraction or a filter), consider not attempting this.
Also, remember that petroleum ether has wonderful potential as a scarring tool, thanks to explosivity.
Finally, remember the bible:


Well-Known Member
How is that high even enjoyable? Some of the worst fuckin shit as far as high goes I have ever inhaled. Didn't know it was in a blunt a long time ago. Ratty plastic nasty why the fuck do people even use this drug in smoking form I have ever experience if anyone is ever curious enough to try it. Same thing with smoking heroin. Yeah, no thanks, wtf is wrong with you people? Method of ingestion gives totally different highs and pretty sure different addiction levels.