cleaning tea making supplies for aact?s


Active Member
hello I'm still learning the tea thing. i will say that i have only used tea for this last crop and everything is better, vegetation, health, vigorous plants and alot easier than my old methods.

my question is should i keep my air stones completely clean after use or after using should i just toss them in the next tea mix uncleaned? at least for one second go. i have no issues cleaning them but wonder if all the slimy stuff that builds up on the top of our container and air stones would beneficial to the next mix?
I clean mine each time
Then dry them with the air from the pump
and they last much lonnger for me than when I put them away wet.

I clean my stuff with peroxide
thanks for the reply. i was using it without cleaning as i start another within minutes of using the other one and was not certain the thick goop had any good qualities if i reused it.

common sence tells me you are correct and to clean after using. rather that let nasty things forming in it/ thanks for the quick reply. :)

also thanks for the peroxide head up that should work well.
No problem.
For all I kniw that culture may be good for the next batch.
Im just scared.
Keep checking back someone else might
chime in.
Good luck
No doubt I'd clean it. That extra buildup could throw off your next batch. Take that goop and throw it in the compost pile. I'd recommend getting away from air stones. I save time using a vortex for brews. Diy of coarse.
No doubt I'd clean it. That extra buildup could throw off your next batch. Take that goop and throw it in the compost pile. I'd recommend getting away from air stones. I save time using a vortex for brews. Diy of coarse.

And why get away from air stones?
Can you please explain?

BTW, your signature is quite a thought provoking one. Who said that? :P
Okay a vortex is a brewing system, it has air lifts that lift water and air through pvc then flows into the container and gets spun Un a circular pattern to be drained and repeated. You don't need air stones to do this and you don't need to clean after everyrun just a quick wipe down. Don't need panty hose. 5 ft of 1.5inch pvc, and a culligan water container. 40lpm pump. The vortex can be seen on youtube.
if I were making more than 1 gal at a time I would for sure go with a system such as you mentioned. actually have been thinking of building one for the summer season.
Well i guess its a bit weird mate i mean doing it in the right way can be done but yeah what you have written can be a little inappropriate mate.Anyways it is making sense just need a bit of confirmation.
I don't clean.

I save one quart of tea out of two gallons. I use it to make the next batch of tea. Just like some alcohol brewers use the same yeast for ever. Saves buying new bennies.
I toss the stones into an old 1 gal water bottle with Hydrogen Peroxide and soak them till the next brew. Every few weeks when the crust builds up, I toss the stone and replace it with a new one. Add fresh H2O2 every few days. Replace the water every couple weeks.
Tried cleaning, PITA. Stones are cheap, 6 for $5.