Cleaning Pots / Saucers, Salt buildup removal?

Stoned Whale

Active Member
Does anyone have any advice on this?

I have always just used basic dish soap / shower gel or whatever was to hand, but I have recently moved to coco and have found removing the salt buildup can be a bit of a pain in the bum sometimes!

Is there a household product that works well, or even a grow specific thing I can look into?

Also how often do you all clean this stuff, every grow?

Thanks for reading!
If I have time to allow to dry for a couple of days I use CLR (calcium, lime, rust remover). Or a soaking in vinegar. Both of which still need the scrubbies.

Vinegar works. I'm never buying that CLR stuff again. From my experience it doesn't do anything except remove money from my wallet. A gallon of white vinegar is a few bucks and it does remove stuff. Works great on windows as well.

My lady was scrubbing and scrubbing the shower doors in her bathroom that had gotten dingy and cloudy with all the crap buildup. CLR didn't do anything. I told her to use vinegar and BAM! crystal clean.
Vinegar works. I'm never buying that CLR stuff again. From my experience it doesn't do anything except remove money from my wallet. A gallon of white vinegar is a few bucks and it does remove stuff. Works great on windows as well.

My lady was scrubbing and scrubbing the shower doors in her bathroom that had gotten dingy and cloudy with all the crap buildup. CLR didn't do anything. I told her to use vinegar and BAM! crystal clean.
I totally agree. Except when cleaning shower head jets. A good soaking beats the vinegar. High mineral content in ground water here.
I like to soak them in dilute muriatic (hydrochloric) acid. Gloves and goggles are recommended.

Gloves and goggles? I was a Hod Carrier for several years back in the day. We splashed that stuff around like it was water cleaning brick. :bigjoint:

But seriously, that stuff should be used with caution and proper safety measures. Just because I was reckless in my youth doesn't mean you shouldn't be careful.
Gloves and goggles? I was a Hod Carrier for several years back in the day. We splashed that stuff around like it was water cleaning brick. :bigjoint:

But seriously, that stuff should be used with caution and proper safety measures. Just because I was reckless in my youth doesn't mean you shouldn't be careful.
There once was a fellow named Porter
Who daily grew shorter and shorter.
“The reason”, he said,
“is the hod on my head
Which is filled with the heaviest mortar.”

I never had any good results with CLR. It didn't do anything. I don't understand why. Maybe I got a bad bottle at the end of the run or something but the one time I bought it was like spraying plain water. Vinegar seemed to work for water stains on glass shower doors.
I never had any good results with CLR. It didn't do anything. I don't understand why. Maybe I got a bad bottle at the end of the run or something but the one time I bought it was like spraying plain water. Vinegar seemed to work for water stains on glass shower doors.
I also thought it sucked pretty hard for what I paid.
Harley Smith from Raw Nutrients says amino acids in your nutrients will chelate calcium and keep it in solution to prevent build up.

This is just a little short video, but he goes into way more detail in other presentations.
I never had any good results with CLR. It didn't do anything. I don't understand why. Maybe I got a bad bottle at the end of the run or something but the one time I bought it was like spraying plain water. Vinegar seemed to work for water stains on glass shower doors.
I run well water and have a ton of calcium build-up
I run well water and have a ton of calcium build-up

Well water can be a challenge. I'm fortunate to have some really good water here in Portland. The Bull Run Watershed provides some of the most pristine water for any large municipality anywhere in the world. But in the summer when the water level drops and they start adding water from ground wells the quality changes. Not necessarily for the worse just more stuff in it.

Cold pressed Orange Oil. The finest organic solvent/cleaner known to man.

Going back to acids. Vinegar has acetic acid while citrus fruits have citric. Both work for cleaning purposes.

Vinegar can be organic.
Going back to acids. Vinegar has acetic acid while citrus fruits have citric. Both work for cleaning purposes.

Vinegar can be organic.

Oh, I use vinegar for cleaning. And also killing weeds. But it doesn't leave that wonderful smell.


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