420 cleaner is an option, so is alcohol and salt.. but the only thing is, if you have an older piece or if you use alcohol and salt a lot, over time your glass gets brittle and could cause blemishes in the glass from the salt scraping on it, all the salt does is act as an aggregate. Im not sure if anybody else has this product around them, ive never tried to look outside of here, but its called "Green Works" or theres another called "Simply Green" (im assuming its around you guys too). These are all natural, all purpose cleaners. Soak your piece in them for a while, then just run hot water through them, should work. If your tryin to save the resin however, the only good way with that would probably be to scrape it. Back to that Alcohol and salt thing, i doubt its gonna make any difference on a new piece for a good LONG time, but it does, over time, create brittle spots and blemishes, just somethin to think about i suppose.