Clay Sculpture In Disguise


so everybody remembers trying to make bongs and pipes out of clay in art class, now that is me so i wanted to know if anyone had anymore ideas i can try to pull off so my teacher wont know what shes firing

heres my first bong
stemless + built in bowl no carb


Active Member
the ceramics teacher at my school was a HIPPIE all the way...

I remember on 4/20 he told me n my friends happy holiday....

He would let you make pipes if you disguiesed them well enough.... It would also help when the teachers aid loaded the kiln

dank smoker420

Well-Known Member
I know this is sideways sorry for some reason i cant change it. but this is what i made in ceramics but you can see some leaves broke off i put "coconuts" on top of the trees so it wouldnt be as noticable. but ive seen people make hollow tigers and would have the mouth as the bowl and you would hit it out of the tail but thats about it that i have herd of yours look pretty cool i would never think that it was a bong hahaView attachment 1675139


Well-Known Member
Beautiful pieces guys ^^ I used to have a pretty good rep with the ceramics teacher. Either that or I used polymer clay in the oven when my parents were out X3