Citral 400w cfl 6week flower with pics.


Active Member
hey guys whats up? I had a journal of the veg stage of this grow but took most of the pics down as it was pretty run of the mill. However now that there's more than green leaves i think its a little more interesting. This was my first grow and i went with CFL to avoid any heat issues as this is a closed room. Next grow ill be going HPS for flower probably, but thats another story.
This is SuperSkunk x Pakistani growing in a organic blend of soil, perlite &pete. Its growing in a 5gallon bucket with almost 2.5 cups of Espoma BioTone mixed in. I didnt start feeding the plant until about the 3rd week of flower, after which when i started FF BigBloom every other watering and foliar feeding at dark cycle.
In the past week the buds have really become much larger and full looking, however by the number of white hairs i still think i have a a good deal of fattening up to do before harvest. Now i understand that CFLs do not yield as much as HPS lighting but should i expect the buds to stay looking like they are, seperated by a little bit of space on the maincolas, instead of the giant fat buds the tops of main colas usually exhibit under HPS lights? or do i just need to be patiant and wait for the flower period to fill out the budsites? either way im thrilled with how successful this has been for my first grow.
One last question, usualy on a cola there is an obvious 'top' to the bud that is distinguishable from a birds eye view, one of my colas appears to have two of these tops, like they are growing on top of each other, this looks like its going to end up as a baseball sized round nug. Anyone seen this before? i wish they all were like this lol.
Sorry some of the shots are blurry i forgot to have the camera on macro and then the lights shut off so i gotta wait. Ive got a good number of white hairs, but a few have started turning brown already does that mean that the buds have reached their maximum size? or do some hairs start to brown up while the bud is still gaining mass?



Active Member
also people feeding with FF bigbloom, how much are you feeding during flower? right now im doing about ~150mL per gallon.