Circuit breaker broke on vacation(no lights!1-4 days) - help!


My circuit breaker broke while I was on a 5 day vacation and of course it has never done this before, but only on vacation. It was on when I left, so the lights could have been out anywhere between 1 - 4 days. My guess is about 2-3 days no light for Momma and clones(already dead as expected) and flowering plants(9) under a 1k watter HPS and 2oow CFS. Of course they are all droopy, but I am wondering the following. I put Momma on 24/7 T5 lights 24/7 as opposed to 18/6. Most leaves are still there, but are limp and break off easily towards the bottom mostly. I put the 6 weeks into flowering clones of Momma with just regular HPS(12kw) 12/12 light today being in experience sometimes it is best to not overdue it. The ones in the flower room have been flushed with regular water and then the second time 2 tsp Big Bloom + 1 tsp of Big Bloom.

NOTE: Soil is still moist, but it isn't so wet I can't add nutes if needed.

Strain: Ken's Grand Daddy Purple

Flower Room:
1. 1kw with a 200w CFL
2. 2 mini(6") fans for air flow + outake fan.
3. So far Fox farm Tiger bloom + Open Sesame. Thinking of moving to Beastie Bloomz tommorrow and adding 2 tsp of Tiger bloom?
4. temps around 80 degrees during the heat of the day.

Veg Room:
1. About the same except got the main momma who was pruned before I left for cloning, but looking very sick now.
2. A clone of Momma still looks a lot more promising, but small as you will see in the images.

My questions are with additional recommendations completely welcome
1. Will the flowering ones recover and should I add any nutes or just let it ride for another day? I didn't observe any improvement today, but I guess what can you expect in one day.
2. Will Momma recover? And is there anything I can do to help besides give them plenty of light?

Let me know if I can provide additional information. I plan on giving the flowering ones a small dosage of beastie bloomz & 2 tsp of Tiger Bloom.

Thanks for your suggestions....



Well-Known Member
all you can do is sit back and hope for the best

no type of intervention is going to help them. just get things back to normal for them and continue the regular TLC

bud nugbong

Well-Known Member
bummer man, i hope you had a good time on your vaca:wall:. Just go back to normal and hope it doesnt shock them too bad. Did you overload the circut by adding stuff before you left?


bummer man, i hope you had a good time on your vaca:wall:. Just go back to normal and hope it doesnt shock them too bad. Did you overload the circut by adding stuff before you left?
I did add 2 T5's for my clones before I left, but that was a week before I left so I thought that was long enough to test it and didn't have an issue. Well just to update I lifted the 1kw in the flower tent and it already looks like they are starting to come back to life after a day. So I am taking your advice and just keep them on what my normal feeding schedule(maybe a little lighter than usual). I think they will be fine except maybe smaller yield due to some of leaves dying especially around the heads. Unfortunately I don't think Momma is going to make it she is trying, but she was already stressed when I cut her babies off and a decent amount of her leaves are starting to crisp. I will update in a few days as I think at least the flower room is looking better.