

Active Member
well. i quit smoking about a year and a half ago. or more... give or take... well i work with nothing but smokers and we had a beer after work the other night and i said.. sommeeone gimme a smoke... everyone tripped out and one person gave me a smoke... now i used to smoke a pack and a half a day... i ended up fucking up and went to jail for 4 months... decided to take the oppurtunity to stop smoking... in cali they passed a law, no smoking in jail facilities... so anyways... I smoked that one cigg.. and it felt like id have never quit.... i wanted another after that.... wtf?
its a killler..... with all the chemicals and what not it has to take a major amount off the life... especialy i started smoking when i was 9, quit when i was 20... thats a while, what effect has that taken. anyways... all i could feel was disgust.... but it felt so freaking good..... wtf? lol.... anyways... dunoo what i was really trying to get at.... i had a point when i started this... but now im two bowls in of my (friends) last harvest... guusss im tokin n talking.... lol


Well-Known Member
nice bro, i had my first sig in a while tonight. but just one.

i feel no need for tobacco when I've got 2 js in my pocket (which are now two roaches somewhere)


Well-Known Member
yeah I quit like 9 months a go and have fucked a couple times when I was drunk, but I always stop again the next day, thats what counts