Choosing the right Container for your plant


New Member
On todays market we have basically 4 choices of material that our pot can be made of.


Not only should you worry about your what the material the pot is made, but as well the size and shape. If space is not a problem shape may not be a issue to you. However if space is, a square pot verse a round pot is defiantly the way to go.

The size of the pot will determine how big the plant can get, use around 1-6 gallon containers as a general rule. Ultimately when growing indoors the plants will be root bound and can only max out to its potential growth based on the size of the pot.

As for recommendation on a type of material you should I found out from Gardening Guru's website some interesting info:

To ensure success, pots must have drainage holes in the bottom whether they are clay, plastic, or ceramic. New clay pots are a good choice because they are porous, allowing air movement through the sides of the pot. This allows the soil to dry and provides oxygen to the root system. Plastic and glazed ceramic pots are nonporous and do not allow air movement through the sides; the soil holds moisture longer and therefore does not need to be watered as often as soil in clay pots. Soil can be kept from falling through the drainage holes by placing a piece of coffee filter paper or broken pottery over the hole. Do not put a layer of gravel in the bottom of pots that have drainage holes.

Pots without drainage holes should have a layer of gravel or broken clay shards in the bottom for excess water drainage; be very careful not to saturate soil in such containers.
Used pots can be reused if cleaned thoroughly or heat sterilized. Scrub with a 10% solution of chlorine bleach and water, using a stiff brush, or wash pots in the dishwasher.

It did not say anything in regards to using a metal container. however I would not recommend due to obvious reasons.
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New Member
Thank you and as for a control test as well I will keep posted results I will take the best big bud plant I have run clones from it so I have a control. then I will place them into a Ceramic, a plastic, and clay using of course the same soil. I will then give results and provide pictures of them.